Global Warming Raises Vermont Lake Back to 288 PPM Levels

In 1869, CO2 was 288 ppm.

(Reuters) – Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin declared a state of emergency on Thursday, as Lake Champlain was forecast to crest at record levels by the weekend, officials said.

The lake has been above record flood levels for more than a week, with waters expected to remain high into mid-May, said Ed Capone, National Weather Service coordination hydrologist.

Heavy rain for the last 10 days coupled with snow melt pushed Lake Champlain water levels in some areas above record flooding of 102.1 feet set in 1869, said Capone

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Global Warming Raises Vermont Lake Back to 288 PPM Levels

  1. Jimbo says:

    All these lakes filling up again must really dishearten alarmists. It went their way for some time but has now swung the other way in what now looks like natural climate variation.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    If it’s worse than 1869, it must be “climate change”. Or whatever!

  3. Rick K says:

    Steve, think of the dichotomy between the floods (multiple places), heavy snow cover, lack of hurricanes and the cover of Al Gore’s book, “Our Choice”!

    It’s like night and day!

    • Who am I to question a Nobel Prize Winner? ;^)

    • Rick K says:

      Come to think of it, Steve, that might make a interesting little post on your great site…

      “Here’s the world as Al Gore (and the CAGW crowd) sees/saw it…”
      (show photo of the “Our Choice” cover jacket — with a warning that it might scare away the little ones. Viewer discretion advised.)

      “Here’s reality.”

  4. gofer says:

    CO2 “invisible” in U.S. and Canada…….SO, it’s NOT GLOBAL warming. Oh, but it will, maybe…….huummm

    “One of the world’s top science journals says climate hasn’t changed in most of North America -yet.

    In fact, says a study in Science, temperatures in most of North America have resisted the global trend. Elsewhere, the warming has already affected agriculture significantly, reducing yields and causing food inflation.

    Scientists from Stanford and Columbia Universities said Canadian and U.S. temperatures since 1980 have changed, but are still within the range of “natural variability” in weather. So in North America, the effects of climate change are practically invisible. A notable exception to the (world’s) warming pattern is the United States,” they write in a study published Friday.

    Co-author Wolfram Schlenker of Columbia University in New York City said in an interview that the record is “pretty much identical” in Canada. “Overall I would say it’s pretty much the same story.”……..

    Source: Vancouver Sun (Tom Nelson blog)

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