There seems to be an army of global warming charlatans traversing K-12 schools and universities, spreading misinformation about sea level, temperatures, snowfall, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and the Arctic and Antarctic.
This is probably the biggest fraud to ever occur in the United States. How do we get it stopped?
Few people in the Czech Republic believe in global warming because their President doesn’t believe in it. He educates the people—even though that’s something they should have done themselves. Michele Bachmann is the leading “skeptic” of all Presidential candidates. Bachmann for President is your answer.
Here she is in 2006, back when it was really unpopular to not believe in global warming—back before WattUpsWithThat, back before ClimateGate.
Amazing woman.
Funny how these 2 women are braver than men. What is that saying about America? I don’t see any George Washingtons on the horizon. Republican men ARE WUSSIES!
Sarah Palin goes behind enemy lines
The bus tour that stands to return her to the 2012 spotlight is taking her to the part of the country that’s the least friendly to her — the northeastern U.S.
No it’s illegal in many States to be prognosticating doomsday futures:
“The underlying purpose is to prevent people from being taken advantage of, because it’s a scam,” Clifford Royalty, a lawyer in the Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office, said.
A federal judge upheld a similar ban in Harford County in 2002, deferring to the county’s assessment of fortunetelling as “inherently deceptive” and citing a 1976 Supreme Court decision, albeit not in a fortunetelling case, that said “untruthful speech” is not protected.” – Washington Examiner
“The serious nature of fraudulent claims in Climate Science MUST be addressed and those that make claims about the future that turn out to not be correct MUST be held to account for their fraudulent claims especially those that receive money for making said claims. Honest and forthrightness and the highest possible standards MUST BE achieved in Climate Science (and all other sciences) in order to protect the public from those making false claims for personal gain or out of their “beliefs” rather than out of verifiable and Open Source Science that can be vetted and tested by ANY outside party at will. “
Are you sure you want to stop it prematurely when it is preparing the perfect backlash storm of all time? When these kids grow up and the sky doesn’t fall despite rising CO2, they will rebel against leftism in general. It is also discouraging all but the finest budding young scientists from pursing the hard sciences in which real critical thought is required. These days a kid has to be quite rebellious and internally confident in himself to pass unscathed through the current indoctrination program. Without Global Warming, the entire slow creep lefty program would rely on political events alone to trip it up, and with voters making what cannot be distinguished from 50/50 random selections these days, it’s unlikely that a conservative or libertarian wave would last long enough for the economy to reward its efforts. With every science academy on the AGW gravy train, who are teachers supposed to listen to? These academies or a combination of conservative think tanks and a motley crew of independent bloggers? At some point those academies will have to suddenly do damage control and clamp down very hard on the rogue science of climatology.
I probably have the details wrong but the fact that the entire left has branded itself with an eccentric and highly speculative theory that relies absolutely upon the temperature and sea level surging any day now, well I find that kind of amusing. I think it represents the last gasp of a failed ideology, though I’m not as thrilled as I might sound about those who will then jump who believe the planet is only 6K years old.
I certainly wouldn’t feel this way if I hadn’t delved into the science of it only to find that very few claims were not what to me appear to be brazen examples of activist BS, with Steig’s fiasco on the cover of Nature being only the latest example that comes to mind, but Mann’s algorithmic cherry picking hockey stick, the one which tosses proxies that fail to match the instrumental record, takes the trophy for audacious charlatanism for it can’t be criticized as being based on mistakes, but requires actual common sense to discount, something which is demonstrably absent within federal funding agencies to this day. I think science has simply become too large and specialized to rely on the old model in which each hard science field trusted the others, implicitly.
I still don’t fully understand what drives the still vibrant anti-consumerism movement. It sure isn’t a tree hugging vibe. This old school trippy hippie can attest to that!
You have a point, a definite point. As the temperature falls as it seems likely to do (SC23 was nearly 13 years long – worth about minus 1.5 C) these people are digging a hole deeper and deeper. When all the ordinary voters surface for air they are going to be p*ssed!
If you want to know what p*ssed voters are like, look up the 1993 Canadian election. From 151 seats down to, count ’em, two.
Here in Australia the Government is going the same way. It won’t be pretty.
The trouble here in the UK, Bruce, is that all 3 parties are locked into the lies. If one suffers, the voters have no alternative to look to.
When I went to school during the sixties my father went to see the principal on a regular basis telling him he didn’t accept his kids educated with political subjects which favored certain parties.
Today parents help to indoctrinate their own kids.
In Europe over 90% of the kids think Climate Change is real.
Now you know why Germany has lowered the minimum age to cast a vote during elections from eighteen to sixteen years.
These teenagers don’t pay the electricity bill but are against any method to generate electric power.
Non of their views are based on real fact finding just propaganda based opinions.
With so-called “free speech” and “free press”, it amazing how little truth there is out there, except for a few couragious bloggers.
Maybe those things aren’t as free as we had thought. Probably “regulation” of the Internet is not that far away.
Andy, it is no coincidence that here in the UK our judges are stamping down on free speech. While our politicians mouth platitudes, they would really prefer that the press have to kowtow and only publish what is “approved”.
Perry/Bachmann could solve this. And besides, I love her.
Agree with Nik, this issue could be used to CRUSH the left, and expose that their entire Shtick is an alternate reality. We just need conservatives with the Cojones to slam the trap door. The truth is, they just haven’t figured out how to effectively state their argument. Many don’t know that much about the issue, so they don’t debate it.