“Let us know if you spot any bugs in the new web pages”


Here’s a bug ….

One important change in these releases is that we are now adding a correction of 0.3 mm/year due to Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), so you may notice that the rate of sea level rise is now 0.3 mm/year higher than earlier releases.

An upwards correction on NASA financed climate data? Shocker – we’ve never seen that before.

Here is another bug. Your numbers are much too high. By a factor of four.


Bottom line? You are averaging large numbers (red areas below) having a very large uncertainty, with a group of small numbers – and coming up with a nearly meaningless global average.  Hope this helps.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to “Let us know if you spot any bugs in the new web pages”

  1. Latitude says:

    adding a correction????? because you think it should be there???

    How about going out and measuring……………..

  2. Latitude says:

    Steve, how in the sam hell is anyone supposed to read that sea level trend graphic?

    It’s a trend, not actual sea level.
    How can you have an area that’s -20, right up against an area that’s +20.

    If that’s the yearly trend, and if this trend continues………….it’s impossible
    You would end up with an area piled high with water, right up against and area that bone dry.

  3. Anything is possible says:

    361 million square kilometres of ocean in a state of perpetual motion, and they can measure its’ average height to an accuracy of 0.5mm?

    Yeah. OK. Right. Whatever.

    10mm (1cm), I can probably accept. Anything inside that sets off the very loud alarm on my BS detector.

  4. Andy Weiss says:

    This guy has come up with a highly innovative method to increase the count of angels dancing on the head of a pin. Also, ensure the flow of grant money. Killing 2 birds with one stone. Give that man a Nobel Prize!

  5. slimething says:

    Where are the damn pictures of ports for the last 100 years being overtaken by sea level rise?

    Also, doesn’t what CU did with sea level rise basically what Steig did with Antarctic temperatures, that being smearing a few warm spots over the entire region? This looks like finger painting.

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