Chris Matthews says President Obama talking about his Irish “heritage” in Dublin today reminded him of “Kennedy back in ’63.”
President Barack Obama declared solidarity between the United States and economically struggling Ireland (both countries are bankrupt) with a symbolic gulp of beer and a rousing speech, telling a huge Dublin crowd on Monday: “Your best days are still ahead.”
Guinness is an acquired taste. I don’t blame Michelle for not enjoying it.
But once you’ve acquired the taste, it’s excellent.
So one day he throws Israel under the bus…
..and the next he claims his obvious Irish heritage
I don’t think the Irish are feeling it………
Someone ought to have told Michelle you are not supposed to chew it.
Kennedy in 63 was assassinated. Is Matthews now advocating the extermination of a president?
Our dear leader was fishing for the ingredients that buried the Ireland economy so quickly in order to implement the same policies over here-seems what he’s doing here isn’t working fast enough…
Just another booze and party tour.
The guy is running for President! What better way than to hit the campaign trail in the states he missed during his last campaign. I seem to recall his claim of 57 states last campaign and with change under his leadership we now have 114! The guy is f’n amazing, just look at all that he has accomplished during his time in The Office! He has made Carter look like a real president.
I hope Michele Bachmann become President so Chris Mathews can remember this every day
“I’m sure that thrill is not quite so tingly on your leg anymore.”