Meds Can Help With Paranoia

That denial industry, to employ a term used by the professor Anthony Lieserowitz, the director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, is the conglomeration of industry, media, and politicians who all have an interest in publicizing doubt about climate change. Companies like Exxon and Koch Industries fund think tanks and political advocacy groups that conveniently publish papers skeptical of climate change and protest climate policy. These papers and deeds then get picked up by sympathetic pundits and media outlets, and the doubt is effectively promulgated. It’s one of the main reasons many Americans remain skeptical about climate change.

A more tenable possibility is that 30+ years of incredibly stupid exaggerated predictions haven’t come true, and the public isn’t buying it any more.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Meds Can Help With Paranoia

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    If climate change is not happening in the real world, causing the alarmists to make increasingly wild, outrageous, untruthful statements, people are naturally going to have doubts about it.

    Sorry, that has nothing to do with Exxon or Koch Brothers.

  2. suyts says:

    So, I’m suppose to be getting a check from the Koch bros, too? lol, I’m sure its just lost in the mail.

  3. Sundance says:

    Won’t help me. I’m paranoid about taking meds. I also think CO2 is out to get me.

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