Sea surface temperatures are the most important factor when making seasonal forecasts. Temperatures off southern Greenland are now 3C below normal, which means that NASA will most certainly exclude 2011 from their Greenland melt literature.
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Homer Simpson will probably look at that picture and say “wait!.. look at that pink off the coast!!”..
It’ll probably then take a while for the scale diagram to sink in, at which point he might say “D’Oh!”
I noticed this today Steve ( great minds obviously) especially a rather north / south split on hemispheres. The southern seas are averagely warm and the smaller northern ones are very cold.
Does it mean anything? I have no idea.
It does mean something. I am about to write an article about it.
I saw the climate documentary and Art Bell’s (of Coast-to-Coast AM) labor of love The Day After Tomorrow. This is the first sign of the collapsing thermohaline cycle, caused by *modeled* catastrophic melting of Greenland’s ancient glacier fields due to *modeled* Venus-like temperatures….
And this is all confirmed by the data you have shown over the last several months.
Or something.
gee, and to think that same spot was so hot before
The warmists greet any information that is counter to their AGW theories with outrage and then reflexively deny it. You’d think that new info that suggested the end of the world may be averted would be good news.
Is this a sign that the AMO has gone negative?
Looks like the southern Greenland tomato crop is going to be a bust this year.
They already harvested it.
Hmmm … maybe they needed to make room for the strawberries.
The sign in this picture was put up by alarmists: