With the favorite excuse dead, maybe it is time to restore sanity at home?
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Has anybody tried this already?
I haven’t heard of anyone using the bum-bomb yet, but a few years ago I read of serious security concerns of explosive breast implants.
The Nightmare of the Terror Suppository « Maurizio – Omnologos
London, 14 Aug 2011 (MNN) – They are instructed to proceed with proctological examinations of all passengers. People are reacting surprisingly calmly to the new in-depth safety procedures.
It was my understanding the rectal security searches were being delayed until security staff could be certified by NHS so that each passenger could be charged a NHS co-payment.
Here it would be Medicare for us old Far#s!
Me spider senses are tingling…….
Saddam’s son’s bodies were flown out two days later.
Why the big hurry to dump the body at sea?
This does not pass the sniff test……………..
I am not an expert but one possibility is that disposing of the body ASAP eliminates the chance of legal challenges by family, friends etc., for return of OBL’s body at which point it could be displayed for sympathy, martyrdom etc., and used as a terrorist reruiting tool.
Sounds like the kind of excuse the CRU team had for not releasing data, and the kind of excuse the IPCC gave (or did not even bother to give) for not discussing the divergence.
“Oh! had we done that, the deniers would have capitalized on our ‘uncertainties'”
“With the favorite excuse dead, maybe it is time to restore sanity at home?”
No such luck. Things are about to get much worse. The new excuse is the backlash effect of this. The hype was already starting last night and is ramping up today.
And worldwide coverage of the flash mobs wildly cheering OBL’s death were just what the ‘Arab street’ needed to get whipped up.
So, bend over… its to protect you! LOL.
I hear that. I’ve had it with flying. It used to be the greatest thing, now it sucks.
Speaking of Anal Probes …