“Scottish ski industry could disappear due to global warming, warns Met Office”


Alex Hill, chief government advisor with the Met Office, said the amount of snow in the Scottish mountains had been decreasing for the last 40 years and there was no reason for the decline to stop.

He added: “Put it this way, I will not be investing in the ski-ing industry.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to “Scottish ski industry could disappear due to global warming, warns Met Office”

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    The ski industry in Scotland may be in trouble, because there is so much snow in southern England that most Brits can do winter sports in their own neighborhood and don’t need to go all that way to experience snow.

    In reality, the Scots just had their best ski season EVER!

    • They have a nice ski hill in Bracknell west of London. The hill is covered with concrete and teflon. If you fall down, you are almost guaranteed to break your wrist.

  2. Jimbo says:

    The lack of snow was blamed on global warming. The return of snow was also blamed on global warming. 😉

    Ski Club Great Britain – 9 May 2011
    “Cairngorm celebrates second best season in 15 years
    Metrosnow – 19th January 2010
    “Cairngorm reopens after too much snow
    Herald Scotland – 5 March 2010
    Best season in 30 years as ski centres enjoy record visitors”
    Daily Record – 9 February 2009
    “Scottish ski centres packed as resorts get best snow for years
    The Times – 12 January 2008
    “Scots ski centres report best snow for years

  3. omnologos says:

    I will not be investing in the ski-ing industry

    If people in the investment industry had asininely put their trust in computer models the way the Met Office does, we would have already experienced a worldwide financial crisis of immense proportions!

    (…wait a minute..)

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