“These were not the boundaries of peace. They were the bounds of repeated wars.”

The adult leader of another country slaps America’s child president silly.

Netanyahu said any deal “cannot go back to the 1967 lines, because these lines are indefensible, because they don’t take into account certain changes that have taken place on the ground.”

Between 1948 and 1967, Netanyahu said, “These were not the boundaries of peace. They were the bounds of repeated wars.”


But if we get back to 350 ppm CO2, at least the weather in Texas will be stable again.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to “These were not the boundaries of peace. They were the bounds of repeated wars.”

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    Yea, he did slap Obama down! I suspect Israel is going to pay for that, and pay dearly. And as proud as I am to be an American, I would say we deserved that. Or that Obama earned it for all of us.

    I wish he would work for the enemy – he would do less damage to us that way.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Obama believes that there is something to gain by cuddling up to the Palistinians. It probably will not work.

  3. glacierman says:

    If only a candidate opponent could take a cue….

    Here is a flash from 1967 – when the weather in Texas was stable (before Global Weirding):


    It is weird that when they went from drought to flood from sudden rain storms in 1967, they were happy that the drought ended.

    • suyts says:

      Historical weirding?

      • glacierman says:

        Well, it wasn’t weird until after the formation of the IPCC. Before that it was a rainstorm that fille and ephemeral stream in an arid region.

        It is weird, however, that ephemeral streams environments have evolved in west Texas in the last 30 years, as we all know that things were in a great equilibrium and there were no extreme events before the death grip of CO2 took hold.

      • Mike Davis says:

        Before 1979 it was weather! With our new breed of Chicken Little Climatologist Alchemists it is weirding. They really need to come up with the right CHANT!
        Speaking of Texas and mild weather before the rise in CO2 Galveston always comes to mind.

  4. VanPastorMan says:

    I liked how BN told BO that Israel would not talk to the Palestinians until they break ties with Hamas a terrorist organization. Then he says, “They(Hamas) attacked you for killing OBL”. In other words, “are you nuts? We are supposed to talk to one of YOUR enemies?” BN is a great leader who sees the big picture, and is working for the good of his people. BO just sees the next election and is trying to fundamentally change the U.S. into a socialist utopia.

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    President Obama said he attacked Libya because civilians were being killed. Yet 34 more protesters, including children, were killed in broad daylight is Syria today and the President is not even mentioning it.

    So what is the real reason Barack Obama acted unilaterally in sending the American military into Libya?

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