Two Weeks After The Obama Administration Warned Of Western Drought, Record Floods Are Expected On The Colorado River

Sheriff: Floods Are Coming
River May Reach Record Levels

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. — Emergency managers are gearing up for potential flooding, and say the Colorado River could reach record levels in the coming weeks.

Right now the river is at about nine feet. It peaked at 14 feet back in 1984, causing serious flooding.

“We haven’t seen potential water like this in many years,” says Mesa County Emergency Manager Andy Martsolf.

Martsolf is in charge of the plan once that water overflows its banks.
“We’re proactively filling some sandbags in the Plateau Valley area in Collbran,” he says. “We also have barricades pre-positioned so we can channel water to keep roads open.”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Two Weeks After The Obama Administration Warned Of Western Drought, Record Floods Are Expected On The Colorado River

  1. Jimbo says:

    Floods are not entirely inconsistent with global warming. Neither are droughts or ‘normal’ conditions of droughtlikefloods. 😉

    Lack of snowpack – blame global man-made global warming.
    Too much snow – caused by a warmer climate OR natural oscillations.

    You can’t win with these climate bandits.

  2. Dear Obama, Algore, & Other Associated Toasties:

    Please warn of a record heat-wave and flooding in Philadelphia.

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