Why are environmentalists happy? Because there’s a coal plant that uses water from Lake Powell, and if the lake continues to drain away, the coal plant may be left high and dry.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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You know, I thought about hunting that Adams guy down and taunting him, …… but I’m just not that bored……. yet. 🙂
“About the author: Mike Adams is an award-winning journalist and holistic nutritionist with a strong interest in personal health, the environment and the power of nature to help us all heal He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world. […] He’s also a noted pioneer in the email marketing software industry, having been the first to launch an HTML email newsletter technology that has grown to become a standard in the industry. ”
Never heard of him before, neither has the wikipedia. As the inventor of HTML spam, maybe he should fight for his place in history some more – but maybe his holistic nutrition makes him too relaxed for that.
They used to be called “Snake Oil” Salesmen.
Buy Dr Mike’s Elixir of Life and you to can be brain dead!
Bet his head is exploding now LOL
Glenn Canyon Dam was built because of the extremes in water flow down the Colorado River and another dam was justified between Glen Canyon Dam and Boulder Dam for additional storage because of the possibility of long term drought and excess flooding. That dam was overruled by environmental activists that think dams are environmental disasters when the lack of dams is the real disaster.
June 23, 2011, Hachinohe, Japan, earthquake, 6.7 magnitude
There have been no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
It must be awful when your poster child turns on you!
Go Lake Powell! I’m downstream and the water is great.
Why do these enviros cheer when the Arctic melts, Powell was low, temps rise, earthquakes??? Why??? Is it because it suits their hidden agenda? [Halt industrial progress, human advancement etc.]
They also go bonkers when you suggest to them to pause and relax the world may not be coming to an abrupt end, which should give a person hope. This fairly well demonstrates what they’re all about. They need the vehicle. The alarmism is just a fig leaf for their greater agenda.