All The Bad News That’s Fit To Print

The Ministry Of Truth is busy trying to rewrite and ignore history.

Hansen’s temperature forecasts are a bust, so their only hope to keep the scam alive is to convince people that the weather is getting worse due to a non-descript man-made phenomenon known as “climate change.”

The key to convincing people that the weather is getting worse is to make sure that people are unaware of the history of weather. Controlling history is exactly what George Orwell wrote about in “1984.”

In order to do my part for Oceania, I have been updating this page with as much historical information about bad weather as I have time for. Thanks for all the readers who have been contributing.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to All The Bad News That’s Fit To Print

  1. Paul H says:

    I am pulling together a list of weather events from 1971 (i.e 40 years ago so as not to be accused of cherry picking).

    It is already getting quite long. I will post when I get back from holiday in 3 weeks.


  2. PearlandAggie says:

    I don’t know if you’ve seen these or not… (The Changing Arctic) (Is Our Climate Changing?)

    • PearlandAggie says:

      I wonder how long before those kinds of documents begin taking a one-way trip down the NOAA memory hole?

      • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

        Ten or fifteen years ago would be about the right answer. For some of the most respected “Climatologists”, 25 to 30 years ago is a better fit for their selective memories.

  3. Michael D Smith says:

    And a damn fine job you’re doing Steven!

  4. The key to convincing people that the weather is getting worse is to make sure that people are unaware of the history of weather. Controlling history is exactly what George Orwell wrote about in “1984.”

    Indeed it is. “Selective amnesia” seems to a growing phenomenon these days, with the range of memory-loss increasing, news item by news item. You’re doing a fine job – I only hope your eyes aren’t suffering from peering at all those faded cuttings

  5. Andy WeissDC says:

    The alarmists would like to delete weather history for every year aside from 1979-1999, when there was actual warming. Of course, at least half of that warming was recovery from the temperature drop that took place between 1950 and 1979.

  6. JeffT says:

    I see a danger that this rewriting of history (in this case weather and climate ) could result in elimination of records stored in archives such as Google Docs, Trove, Wayback Machine and Webcite. Who controls the integrity and safety of these archives ?
    Lessons can be learned by the number of ‘error 404’, or ‘no longer at this address’, when researching from known recently working url’s
    With the upcoming generation being schooled in versions of recent history, inclusions of material such as An Inconvenient Truth and probably other distortions of facts in science and politics, does not go well for the future generations.
    I’ll second “Mostly Harmless” – 1984 revisited.

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