Global Warming
The Earth is warming and human activity is the primary cause. Climate disruptions put our food and water supply at risk, endanger our health, jeopardize our national security, and threaten other basic human needs. Some impacts—such as record high temperatures, melting glaciers, and severe flooding and droughts—are already becoming increasingly common across the country and around the world. So far, our national leaders are failing to act quickly to reduce heat-trapping emissions
Let me rephrase :
We are fortunate to have lived through a 30 year spell of unusually agreeable weather, and now we get hysterical over every weather event. Like our ancient ancestors, we superstitiously believe that our behavior is responsible for bad weather. If you think we are a bunch of weak-minded fools – you are correct.
Since a large percentage of the members of the Union of Concerned Scientists are not scientists at all legal action should be taken against them for their misleading name.
The subtitle indicates they’re having a identity crisis.
Well, both camps are partially right. The alarmists are right since the global warming is factual and the deniers are right since the global warming isn’t anthropogenic.
Unfortunately both of them are causing an irreversible damage to the humanity.
Global warming is caused mainly by increased solar radiation due to sudden shortening of the distance between the Sun and the Earth about 10 000 years ago and only the urgent shadowing of the Earth (Prof. R. Angel University of Arizona) may
be considered as the saving procedure. The alarmistd and not alarmists scientist
should make a shift from their weak trenches to the realistc causal treatment of the globak warming phenomenon. Here, they will find even more money! All together, what they need and like so much. Read more: “Can Mankind survive the consequences of Global Warming due to the shortening of the distance between the Earth and the Sun?”
incorporating the research results – published by Outskirt Press:
Dr Elsar (Amos) Orkan
The Israeli Association for the Global Warming Fight
Dr. Orkan. First of all, you should know, skeptics are not deniers. Its offensive and you of all people should know not to use that term.
Secondly, there’s plenty of doubt as to whether the warming would be harmful to humanity or not. Before we start trying insanely desperate measures such as shadowing the earth, let’s be sure that it would benefit, as opposed harming humanity.
Dr. Orkan – I guess that makes “deniers” all right since the 21st century “Juden” do not deny what climate does, only what causes it. And then they are not “denying” anything, but rather questioning. To the 21st century Waffen SS, that is heresay and must be destroyed at all cost. To question the purity of AGW is simply not permitted.
It used to be the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists that used to get all the headlines, during the cold war:
Oh they were so sure of themselves that nukes would kill us all.
That’s why they scuttle The Atomic Age which led to our current high CO2 world.
It’s another case of people doing the right thing for all the wrong reasons. Old reactor designs sucked and they knew it, and CO2 is plant food.
What me worry?
Yes, they are indeed “concerned scientists”. They are concerned about getting their handouts now that their predictions are not materializing
How soon will human sacrifice come back into vogue to appease the “weather gods”?
They’re not scientists, and they didn’t just happen to come together and form a legal entity to spew this kind of crap. This is one of thousands of propaganda spewing tools of conversion. They are highly organized. Their purpose is to drag our society into their twisted eco-psycho-Malthus-Marxist cult. I vote for sterilization.