Leaders of 15 top Big Green environmental groups are paid more than $300,000 in annual compensation, according to an Examiner analysis of the organizations’ most recent IRS Form 990 tax returns.
At $584,232, the Conservation Fund’s Richard L. Erdmann, the group’s executive vice president and general counsel, is the most highly paid official among the 15 organizations examined. Erdman received $438,954 in salary and $145,278 in “other compensation,” according to the fund’s return. All figures cited are taken from 2008 returns unless otherwise noted.
The second most highly compensated is Environmental Defense Fund President Frederic Krupp, who receives total compensation of $496,174, including $446,072 in salary and $50,102 in other compensation.
Close behind Krupp among Big Green environmental movement executives is World Wildlife Fund President Carter Roberts, who was paid $486,394, including a salary of $439,327 and other compensation of $47,067.
The median salary among all 15 of the highest-paid Big Green environmental officials is $261,295, while the median total compensation for the 15 is $308,465.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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I guess you are rewarded hansomly for being completly devoid of integrity.
This clearly illustrates why they have to keep the lies coming. Without alarm their donations would tank. This is why they hate good news like the return of snow, recovering reefs, etc. Follow the money >>>
I wish I was in the pay of BIG OIL.
Save the planet for a six figure salary, while the rest of us pay thru the nose. Sounds like quite a racket.
In order to save the world from Satanic gases we must learn to live with less while Gore et al. learn to live with more. What’s 2 massive properties among friends. 🙂
Don’t forget the multi million $ San Fransisco seaside condo Gore owns.
No doubt these guys have lavish expense accounts since they’re constantly traveling all over the globe at the expense of their respective institutions. What irks me is all of the US tax payer grant money that is funnelled to these organizations by the Democrats for their assistance in campaigning for Democrats.
I suppose the words, “well resourced” comes to mind.
The top 2 seem a bit familiar to me. I can’t remember all of the industrial companies they are in bed with, but but as far as the Environmental Defense Fund goes, just look as their bed fellows, most are heavy CO2 emitters.
lol, I didn’t provide the link……
Snow and sub-zero temperatures in Brazil, again……………..Rambaaaaa!
Here is a cool image.
“Polar temperatures hit Buenos Aires”
“A polar wave of low temperatures hit Argentina today as the thermometers considerably descended in what is expected to be one of the coldest winters of the decade, announced the National Meteorological Service (SMN) last week.
Low temperatures might even bring some snow to the capital and suburban areas, a rare event as the one registered in 2007 when the snow took porteños by surprise after 89 years without the phenomenon.”
Voice of Russia? Now they KNOW snow! 😉
“Cold rain, sleet and light snow was recorded in the vicinity of Johannesburg, which has only recorded five snowfall events since 1956.”
Stop cherry picking, Jimbo.
I’m sure there is somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere that is warmer than usual.
I’m using the Warmist’s strategy of picking the finest cherries. 😉
You won’t find many of these stories on the BBC or the Guardian. They just like heatwaves, droughts, floods and anything that supports the agenda. I’m just applying a little balance.
I kind of like it. It means that the dupes that donate are just making the rich richer (and doing nothing for the cause). 😉
9 June 2011
Rare Snowfall Blankets African Desert
Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past. 😉
Prince Charles cost us an extra 18% last year as well.
The “green” movement = taking the green from hardworking honest people and gifting it to the Al Gore and other green fraudster/cronies who pretend that a carbon credit really lowers CO2 emissions. Here are some inconvenient truths about green cronyism.
P.S. Al Gore (you know the guy that produced a handful of kids even though he was a huge fan of the “Population Bomb”) has started his campaign against women who want children. My question (The one women might want to ask Al Gore) is this; How many children must not be born to offset Al Gore’s massive carbon footprint?
Unlike a few meagerly paid skeptics (i.e. Tim Ball) who are doubly demonized as being dupes in the pay of Big Oil and of being evil, top environmentalists become heroic icons who really are rich. And since financial and especially status loss are much bigger drivers of human behavior than potential gain, now that they are in the money and getting the honey, letting go of AGW is not something they will do due quickly nor publicly. Ridicule is needed. Obama getting laughed at by his own peers upon mentioning the “overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change” in his State of the Union was something of a turning point on this front, though doctored YouTube videos over-state the effect which was more of a nervous pause than a big heehaw.
You’re right Nik, I’ve been saying since climategate, it is time to quit taking these people serious and start ridiculing them. Its one of the things that endears me to this site.
We need to move to the “point and laugh” stage of the game.
We have been at that point for a few years now an me thinks it began with an award. Take a close look at Al’s Nobel award.
Sundance: Take a close look at Al’s Nobel award.
News bulletin from “The smell your own” broadcasting center:
His Lord and Majesty Sir Mockton:
“His contribution to the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report in 2007 – the correction of a table inserted by IPCC bureaucrats that had overstated tenfold the observed contribution of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets to sea-level rise – earned him the status of Nobel Peace Laureate. His Nobel prize pin, made of gold recovered from a physics experiment, was presented to him by the Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of Rochester, New York, USA.”
You may now pretend that you never knew or respected this this man. After all, his status in the Skeptic community is above and beyond that of Al Gore’s in the AGW community.
Oops, I forgot the citation to Al Gore’s skeptic alter ego’s Nobel Peace Prize. Don’t forget that it’s made from gold recovered in a physics experiment!
Dear Ill Wind Bowling:
Ill Wind Blowing – Monkton is small peanuts compared to the Goracle. Monkton still has to answer hard questions while the Goracle has been made King of climate dystopia and decreeing that the “science is settlled” and the “debate is over” with you and the MSM dropping to your knees in worship. I just hope you are not one of the Goracle’s army of flying climate alarmist monkeys sent worldwide to frighten little children that they will destroy the Earth if they use hot water to take a bath.
News bulletin from the “smell your own” department: Your Lord (Monckton) earns 20,000 an hour in speaking engagements that are subsidized, in large part, by oil companies. Not to mention his website.
54 million dollars of propaganda money from Hex Onmobil and the Kock Sisters and a lot of oil to lubricate the . . . errrh . . . “science” that those strumpets spew.
Frankly, I see that as good news. At least skeptics are getting some funding in order to compete with the much better funded alarmists.
If you think the messages and/or science are wrong, address them. No amount of money can change whether or not they’re true.
I see that certain people have no concept of “conflict of interest.”
But then wasn’t it the Heartless institute that prostituted itself to the tobacco industry that funded them by coming up with pseudo-scientific report after pseudo scientific report stating the “science has not been settled”?
Now wonder Conservatives are morally and intellectually bankrupt. By the way, do you want to borrow my lighter?
Dear Ill Wind Bowling,
I’m glad to see you’re able to keep on the subject and not start babbling incoherently about tobacco lobbyists and . . . umm, your lighter(?)
Ex nilhilo nihil, I suppose.
IWB, you may want to restate your opinion about oil money, for those that don’t question other people’s statements and motives, it may come as a shock to you, but big oil has been financing a large part of the alarmism that you seem to embrace. I’ve been saying this for quit some time now….. but here’s another voice and shows links and stuff too…
Have a good time eating crow…… and rethinking all of the “errrh…..”science” big oil bought and paid for proliferating the alarm.
PS, you did know that Chu and Berkeley whored themselves out to BP …….lapping up BP’s $500 mill as a dog would from a grateful master? You did know that, right?
Stephen Schneider/Stanford got $100 million from Exxon.
I’m glad to see that industries are standing up to the Marxist/Warmist mob before the Marxists can completely tear everything down society like they did in Russia in 1917.
Justa Joe:
“I’m glad to see that industries are standing up to the Marxist/Warmist mob before the Marxists can completely tear everything down society like they did in Russia in 1917.”
More psychotic Glenn Beckian/Foxian/Rush Limbaughian/Tea leaf Partying trash/. 🙁
Oh we demonic Alarmist/Warmist are nothing but a bunch of Marxists. 🙂
Fascists/Communists/Anarchists/Nihilists! 🙂
And don’t forget that we’re also Muslim/Mexican/Mafiosos massing on your borders. Satan worshipping, Atheist Islamicists infiltrating the Girl Scouts and plotting to put LSD in their girl scout cookies. 😉
Secular Humanist Caliphates teamed up with left handed, red headed, green hearted, Lesbian environmentalists. 😮
So don on your tin foil hats and head for your concrete bunkers for the forces of evil are about to possess your benighted soul.
Interesting word choice. You wouldn’t perchance happen to have frequent sexual relations with your close blood relatives, would you now, Mr. Ill Wind Bowling Trash? I mean, since you’re a frequent advocate of psychological projection it would naturally follow that you’re mostly talking about your own proclivities.
Dickflossing: “Interesting word choice.”
“I’m glad to see that industries are standing up to the Marxist/Warmist mob before the Marxists can completely tear everything down society like they did in Russia in 1917.”
That is what I was responding to and that is the definition of TRASH.
Also since you take my analogy and claim that it’s off topic look above and tell me how on topic that ridiculous, red baiting and digressionary Ruskie Revolution is.
Wow, $54 million eviloildollars. Just wow. I can’t wait to see the citation for that. & no, Wikipedia, Dkos, and any site run by Alex Jones (spit) aren’t valid citations.
Then again, how many thousands of gooddollars do your innocent, goodlife, nonmarxist brothers at Greenpeace run through per year? Is it within 2 orders of magnitude? Does that make it more or less moral? If Greepeace spending 100 times as much per year as a public speaker gets in a decade is moral, then why is Monckton’s money begrudged?
Lord Monckton gets his money from the Oil Companies and denies it. Greenpeace does no scientific research on AGW of any significance.
Also, those prostitute scientists who do “research” funded by oil companies are unworthy of respect by mere virtue of the fact that they get funding from those who would cut off their support in a second if they don’t get results in their favor.
Again, I repeat, do you know the meaning of “conflict of interest”?
By your claim that any group funded by oil should have their work discarded due to conflict of interest would shut down the entire Environmental community and most of the research you use to support your Chicken Little claims. Using the “Conflict Of Interest” descriptor would rule all climate related claims and the entire IPCC Farce!
Ill wind,
Not that you care, but David Suzuki receives funding oil companies.
A variation on an old Irish toast. May the ill wind blowing on your back (or up your skirt) never be your own!
I’ll drink to that!
Ok, ill, how many oscars has Monckton won? How many movies has he made? How many school children have been indoctrinated by his fraud? And how many Nobels have his name on them?
Here’s a clue for the google impaired – zero, zip, nada. Status in the skeptic community? he is a member – a very outspoken member, but a member. The “community” does not have a head like the warmists do in Algore. It is made up of sentient beings that have one quality the warmists do not – the ability to think for themselves. I am afraid your lonely diatribe is simply a joke on you. Perhaps when you can do better research, you might win a point. But then hell might freeze over sometime too.
“Ok, ill, how many oscars has Monckton won?”
You don’t get, it do you? He made that preposterous claim that I linked to.
Furthermore, your pathetic inversion of reality about Monckton’s/Gore’s is utterly false.
Monckton was invited, in 2010, by US Republican Congress to speak as the only “expert” witness on Global Warming issue. He is also the main star on the Conservative speaking circuit. That is obviously a tribute to his real status as opposed to the lack of status that you claim.
Having diminished Monckton’s real stand in the Skeptic community, it’s not surprising that you fantasize Al Gore’s standing in the AGW community. It is you who are projecting your utter lack of research or even elementary knowledge on the subject.
Al Gore has no standing in the scientific community. Climatologists like Hansen, Serreze, Jones, Trenberth, Abraham, etc are the ones that have standing above and beyond that of Gore. Gore is essentially a popularizer.
Bottom line, you are all embarassed by Monckton because of his ridiculous megalomanic claims.
We should all be embarrassed by the megalomaniac claims of Hansen, Serreze, Jones, Trenberth, Abraham, etc
IWB, I don’t see why you believe that claim to be unfounded? What do you believe his claim,(if that was his claim) to be untrue?
#1 – What conflict of interest? The selling of indulgences?
#2 – Ah, the old “guilt by association” meme! Unfortunately, there is no association other than we are all people. So again, you attack the messenger because you cannot attack the message? Good thing you are in the old USA as the UK is not so kind about libel and knowingly writing false statements is libel.
Sorry, Phil, but I’m afraid Ill Wind Bowling has you on that one: You have exactly the same number of legs as Monckton, therefor you are Monckton. I just don’t see how you can deny such an obvious connexion.
Baa….Wrong! I am Sheep! I have 4 legs! 😉 4 legs good, 2 legs better.
Ill, links please? I could just as easily say that justajoe was parrotting “democratunderground/dailykos/puffingtonhost/moveon” sites. And now it is up to you and your paranoid delusion to prove me wrong.
Links to what? You claim that Justa Joe was parroting and parodying other sites and use my parody as an example. You know what Justa Joe meant and it is pathetic to deny it.
His remarks they are as common as flies on a turd amongst skeptics. I’ve seen them over and over again on WUWT and this site as well as half a dozen others. So why should I have the burden of proof for something that obvious?
Your claims. You made a claim, now back it up. Or is this just another in a long list of lies that you are claiming to make? Are you trying to set some type of record for lying?
and more this:
and this:
And, today, this:
Actually Ill, You started in with the leftist paranoia by suggesting that the EEEVVIILLLL Koch Bros were financing CAGW skepticism at large so your squealing seems a tad bit disingenuous. Like most lefties you like to dish it out, but you can’t take it.
There you go again. Your solipsistic political/mental bubble is so small that your universe only consists of “Lefties” and the “Children of Light”.
And to think that PhilJourdan was claiming that you were just doing a parody.
speaking of people in small bubbles….
China, Russia, India, Canada, Japan, the U.S., have all told the IPCC/Kyoto to forget it. About the only countries left are the poor little undeveloped that get paid.
No one can give carbon credits away.
There’s no tropic hot spot.
Temperatures have been going down.
Sea level is going down.
Snow is not a thing of the past.
New York is not flooded.
and Republicans won’t fund it.
In a normal world it would be game point…..
….party’s over, people are bored with this hysteria and have bigger problems than world ends at 10, film at 11
Actually I was indirectly parodying the rapidity by which you invoke your lefty bogey men, The Koch Bros.
There’s know way a stand up guy like ill would try to employ Alinskyite arguments. Perhaps I owe ill an apology there is no way wonderful guys like Van Jones and Mikey Mann could ever entertain ideas about climate “justice” that could be construed as being the least bit Marxist in derivation or be the least bit antagonistric to industry. Heck, the CAGW crowd is reknownly pro-growth,pro-business, and pro-capitalism.
“Creating a Climate for Justice” – LOL
Non sequitor.
Ill. You’re a caricature of typical lefty warmist. Don’t kid yourself. It’s more than a little obvious. Do you fancy yourself some kind of “centrist”? You storm into the comments thread bloviating about the Koch Bros, who to my knowledge still have the right to protect their interests from people like you, and when people call you on your obvious lefty paranoia you dodge all of their questions.
You seem to have ignored the fact that I called Van Jones a neo-Marxists. He’s one of your guys in that he peddles the warmist agenda. Are you going to try to tell everyone that he’s another centrist?
Some of you might have read that the AAAS is all wee weed up about skeptics’ using FOIA laws to request information to look into James Hansen’s financial windfall (is Hansen now the profit of doom rather than the prophet of doom?). The AAAS deems the law an inconvenient form of harassment and an attack on scientists.
I say to the AAAS count your blessings for at least a secret KGB like government group (created by Obama) will not be snooping around your science labs, like they will be snooping into doctors private practices in undercover fashion soon.
Could never figure out how global warming became such a liberal vs. conservative issue. Just because you don’t buy into the global warming hysteria for rational reasons doesn’t mean you are in Limbaugh’s corner. I certainly am not.
Hmmm; let’s see.
1. Half a dozen Sarah Palin foot kissing videos posted in about a week’s time on a Global Warming site.
2. Continuous red baiting without the baited having even mentioned politics.
3. The majority of posters responding positively to any pro-right wing statement.
My apologies for some of the posters here not falling into the strict domain of one or more of those I mentioned. Foxian/Beckian/Limbaughian/Tea Leave Partying/Palinesque (You don’t have to belong to all just one) people just happen to be the overwhelming majority of anti AGWs.
What is this clown talking about? Everyone connected with promoting CAGW is connected with leftist (or maybe Ill prefers Progressive) politics. From Algore, Romm, Wirth, Mann, Van Jones, Holdren, Hansen right on down the line. Pretty much every “solution” proposed for CAGW is some kind of socialist wet dream. We’re supposed to just ignore this and pretend that the CAGW hucksters are devoid of any political motivation? I’m sure Ill would like people to ignore it but no dice.
Kossack,MSNCB-ian/Schultz-ian/OlberLOON-ian/ACORNy/Wasserman-Schultz-esque -TRASH
Justa Joe:
Please read carefully what Andy said:
“Could never figure out how global warming became such a liberal vs. conservative issue.”
I consider the big left-wing co-option of environmental issues to date back the late 60’s when the “Earth” Day movement commenced. cagw as a political vehicle of the left comes subsequent to that date. As we know the crisis du jour was global cooling around the time of the 1st Earth Day.
Andy, it’s not….
The liberals are just trying to spin it that way….
…you know, like Obama said “clinging to guns and religion”
It’s just that liberals have a lot of hate.
They don’t realize that they are insulting everyone by doing it.
it is easy to spot the Al Gore sycophant.
“it is easy to spot the Al Gore sycophant.”
You suffer from Gore dementia syndrome and that is easy to spot.
It’s a common afliction for shallow thinkers who want to believe that Satan Gore is the supreme leader of the demonic hordes of Alarmist/Warmist/Marxist/Fascist/Communist/Anarchist/Nihilist conspiracy!
Now you are just getting delusional. Tired of lying and now you are going postal on us?
Ill wind,
you’ve been a busy little boy today.
Have you seen Tony Duncan?
Lysergic acid: “Have you seen Tony Duncan?”
Yes I have. He’s a good dancer.
I am REALLY glad you posted THAT doppelganger.
Wow, I leave for a week or two and the CO2 hits the fan.
FYI there are a few non right wingers here. Andy, and PaulH (Paul is actually more left wing. Kind of the way Alexander Cockburn thinks ACC is a plot by corporations to steal money from the workers) come to mind and a few others are not totally unthinking knee jerk.
I think it funny though this talk about the oil companies funding the climate change hysteria. The day Sanders gets 1/10th the money from the oil companies that Inhofe gets, I will give the idea a speck of credence. of course they DO fund research. they are after all in the energy business and it would be insane of them NOT to. Some of it is greenwashing, but a lot is being business prepared, and some of it is politicking. Just look at where oil companies put their money in lobbying and in campaign contributions.
Ill – having trouble reading now as well? I think you need to take your meds and fast! Perhaps they will help with your propensity to want to lie when the truth is so much easier as well.
So about one tenth of what an average CEO from a large corporation makes. Seems about right to me.
CEO’s actually have to produce a product or service and turn a profit at it. The people at issue here shake down the taxpayers, shake down businesses, sue people, and solicit donations to finace their sizable ‘carbon footprints’.
leave it to Steve to break up a burgeoning love fest
What a load of crap. Corporations do something useful. Environmental groups are supposed to be non-profit.
again you are right. All those financial companies that produced our current economic boom, are just compensating their top executives for a job well done.
of course there is a difference between non profit and volunteer. Volunteer environmental organizations would NEVER have been able to help implement those horrible regulations that got rid of lead in fuel and paint, set safety levels for a host of poisons, put limits on utilizing that useless wood and other resources just wasting away on federal land. Just think what a paradise America would be if we had not allowed those commies to invent the hoax of pollution.
Your straw men are a complete waste of time. We have officers of non-profit organizations making half a million to spread fear.
I would be interested in seeing an actual case of one of the mentioned groups actually being involved with the creation of a valid beneficial environmental regulation like the ones you desribe, Tony. It seems like Richard Nixon may have had more to do with banning lead paint that any of the aforementioned enviro groups. I’m sure these groups must do some good things, but it’s probably a lot less than people perceive.
I really don’t know how much good these environmental groups do. I imagine that they do MUCH less good than liberals think, and MUCH more good than Conservatives think. it is pleasing to me that you consider the possibility that they have done some good in some areas at least 😉
They did some good, about 40 years ago. Since then, they have become parasites.
I am shocked, usually when you have no rational way to counter my comment you write Zzzzzz. What has gotten into you?
You will do absolutely anything to change the subject.
No, your non-sequitur response is the definition of trash. The truth is not trash (unless you are talking about garbage). Since the subject is oil funding, Stark’s statement is fact. Your statement is just trying to trash it since you cannot debate it. Try growing a pair and actually doing some research before condemning the research of others, comrade.
#1 – Show where Monckton got the money and denied it. Proof, not spurious allegations.
#2 – Greenpeace does no scientific research? Then WHY was it used for the latest IPCC release? As the source, and as the reviewer? Is not the IPCC SUPPOSED to research SCIENTIFIC research? If Greenpeace has none, why is it used by the IPCC? Someone is lying, lying wing blowing.
#1 – Lie – Monckton was the only one who accepted.
#2 – Lie – His invitation does not make him the spokesman (but I appreciate your acknowleging him as an expert).
#3 – What conservative speaking circuit? And what does conservative had to do with AGW? Lie #3.
#4 – Diminished his real stand? Again, that was something you created for him, and no one else. Line #4
#5 – fantasize about Al Gore’s standing? Point out any unfactual thing I have said about Al Gore – lie #5
#6 – Al gore has no standing in the scientific community? Tell that to Trenbeth. Or are you saying that Trenbeth is not in the scientific community? Lies #6 and 7.
Bottom line, you managed to write more lies in that short post than Weiner made in his denial! Congratulations! You win the prize of the biggest liar.
Another lie. I never said what he was doing. I am not Joe, nor a mind reader. How many lies for you does that make now? I lost count.
What does that have to do with the price of rice in China? Again, with the non-sequiturs. Besides lies and non-sequiturs, do you do anything else (at least you have not on this thread). I have no idea what a “foxian” is. Or for that matter what a “beckian” limbaughian” or any of the other hate terms you spew are. For that is what you are doing. You are trying to change the debate with non-sequiturs, and in the process trying to somehow create new words?
You are a liar, and apparently a stooge. The only question is, who would want a liar for a stooge?
Foxian, Backian, Anythingian.
That’s how 16 year olds talk, Phil. I expect he will grow up in a couple of years time and we can have a sensible conversation with him.
I hope you are right, but I will not hold my breath on it. So many never grow up.