Current Generation The Stupidest Ever?

Despite massive volumes of evidence that climate change has always happened, and that the climate has been exceptionally mild over the last 50 years – arrogant fools continue to think they can control the climate through negotiations.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Current Generation The Stupidest Ever?

  1. suyts says:

    lol, the conversation went something like this, totalitarian misanthropist——-“They’re on to our charade!!!”—– (Third world countries with despots for leaders.) “But you’ll still finance my suppression of opposition and advancement of my culture, right? Cell phones and energy would just kill my opposition crushing campaign.” —— “Well, yes, of course, but we may have to do it under a different guise. How about water? We can convince people that water is in short supply and the we need trillions to make sure it continues to rain!!!” —— Third world representative. “That’s a great idea! People need water more than they do energy!! Then I could withhold water from my enemies and use water conservation as an excuse!!! And you’ll pay me for that, right? Beautiful!!”—— misanthropist —“Of course we will. Ok then, we’ll ride this pony until it drops and then go right into the water meme.”

    See, they worked out some “technical issues.”.

    • Latitude says:

      LOL you forgot food……………

      • suyts says:

        Well, the ethanol was a test run, that comes after water. Misanthropists are already making head way with that issue……free range this and that. Organic this and that. (Organic….that’s the funniest term.) At any rate, there seems to be a movement afoot to limit the food supplies of this world. The irrigation thing in Cali, ethanol, free range, organic….. all of it increases land requirements and/or reduces yields. Isn’t it strange that some people scream to high heaven about limiting human genetic research, but when it comes to genetically engineered food, they decry it.

  2. Andy WeissDC says:

    This whole “movement” has consisted of multiple conferences in lavish settings, but very litle in the way of results. An awful lot of talk and very little action.

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