FAS Wants Respect

Do it quickly – before Manhattan drowns and the ice caps disappear in 2008.

AUSTRALIA’S scientific community will launch a campaign tonight aimed at redressing what it says is the damage to science which is being caused by climate change denial.

At its annual gathering in Canberra today, the Federation of Australian Science and Technological Societies will tell politicians that the campaign being run against scientific evidence of man-made climate change ”is undermining the national building work of all scientists”.

Its own campaign, respect the science, will seek to broaden the understanding of how science works. “The valuable and credible work of all scientists is under attack as a result of a noisy misinformation campaign by climate denialists. It’s in the nation’s interests that our political leaders now lead the community forward on this critical issue,” the federation’s chief executive officer, Anna-Maria Arabia, said.


h/t to  Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to FAS Wants Respect

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Federation of Anal-retentive Scientists. By their actions and words they will destroy whatever respect some continue to have for science as an institution.

  2. Andy WeissDC says:

    Federation of Bed Wetting Scientists would also do. Using alledged science to unnecessarily frighten people into emptying their wallets is a crime against humanity.

  3. Tom Harley says:

    Tried to Bing FAS…after 5 pages, no sign of Federation of Australian Scientists, but did get Foetal Alcoholic Syndrome a few times.

  4. Tom Harley says:

    “Anna-Maria Arabia is the CEO of the Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS), Australia’s peak body in science and technology which represents more than 68,000 scientists Australia-wide.

    Previously Anna-Maria was a senior policy advisor to Anthony Albanese, Federal Infrastructure Minister, and was social policy advisor to former Labor Leader, Kim Beazley. She has worked in policy roles in the Dept of Health and Ageing in Canberra and collaborated with the Italian Government to foster cooperation in science and technology between Australia and Italy.

    Anna-Maria is a trained scientist completing a Bachelor of Science at the University of Melbourne and has undertaken doctoral research at the Baker Heart Research Institute in Melbourne, and the Mario Negri Pharmacological Research Institute in Milan.”

    Nothing to do with climate science, just politics of the left and a bit of medicine thrown in…

    • Mike Davis says:

      Obviously an expert in the field of Climatology!
      She is a wannabe scientist in training but she failed basic science philosophy! She is now promoting Pathological Science.

  5. Tom Harley says:

    Andrew Bolt is far more scathing: “a stain on all scientists” referenced at http://pindanpost.com/2011/06/20/gillard-and-la…-too-imploding/

  6. Bruce says:

    We are talking Canberra here. I always equate FASTS with the wonderful and odd Australian Academy of Science, whose building would be a great location idea for a Men in Black sequel.

    For science this equation holds:

    Interest in politics = k*1/Effectiveness in science

    Call it the FASTS-NAS-RS equation.

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