Lake Powell Water Level Now Highest In The Last 10 Years

Gavin says that the 2004 low was due to global warming (which apparently ended in 2005.)



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Lake Powell Water Level Now Highest In The Last 10 Years

  1. suyts says:

    lol, that’s great. I wonder what Gavin has to say about it now?

  2. Jimbo says:

    Just think of the poor polar bears. 🙁

    Time – May 17th 1954
    Ice-Free Arctic?
    “Since 1900, the thickness of the polar icecap has decreased by three feet because of higher general temperatures.”,9171,860739,00.html

    • Jimbo says:

      Another debunked ice age theory via Time?

      Glacial Thermostat – Monday, July 09, 1956
      “But if the Arctic Ocean were ice-free because of more warm water flowing into it from the south, a great deal of snow would fall on the cold northern interiors of Eurasia and North America, and not all of it would melt in summer. Glaciers would grow and march southward toward New York and Paris.”,9171,893485,00.html

  3. gofer says:

    …found that Greenland and West Antarctica may be melting just HALF AS FAST the earlier studies estimated.” Time 9/9/10

    ??? What does that mean? How fast was it melting before??? This whole study is “half ast”.

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