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- william on Make America Healthy Again
Yes but he does it by proxy and you can do anything using proxies.
He is using weasel words to get out of it. The US is providing Satellite and spotters while the UK and France bomb the hell out of them. I actually would love to see this go to SCOTUS so it can be settled once and for all.
O’bammie was against regime change….
…before he was for it
I thought that was one of his many Bush bashings………………….
“it’s not a war, but a mission to remove Gaddafi from power”
This has been a question since the dawn of this nation. That said, the Constitution is clear. Let’s see what a guy that was there for all of it had to say,……..
“The constitution vests the power of declaring war in Congress; therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure.……………. George Washington
Presided over the writing of the Constitution A delegate to the First Continental Congress. Major General and Commander-in-chief of the Continental army. And, the first President of the United States. And the only unanimously elected president, for both terms. ——————– So, what would he know about it?
Wasn’t this a big screaming point with the liberals and O’bammie?
That Bush had overstepped his authority?
Perhaps I should clarify – I do believe the Constitution is clear on who has the power to declare War. But there is the weasel room even in the interpretation by Washington – “of importance”. I doubt that will ever be settled to a finite degree.
What I want to see SCOTUS settle is the War Powers Act. On the one hand, it is ceding power to the president that they do not have the authority to cede (that can only be done through amendment). On the other, Presidents of both stripes feel it is an invasion of their power to set Foreign Policy. I see merit on both sides of the argument (it is not an us/they or conservative/liberal issue). And that is why SCOTUS has to settle it once and for all.
Congress just has to stop the funding and it’s over. That’s all.
I’d like to agree with you, but do you remember when the Senate (D – lala land) passed a budget last?
Anyway, the one check that congress has is impeachment, which I think they should exercise more often, honestly.
(NB I am well aware that there were articles of impeachment drawn up against Bush. I doubt the Senate would have removed him from office, even if the House had impeached him, but I’m not at all opposed to the action being taken)
The House controls the purse strings. They will never impeach the first black President.
There is also the undeniable fact that if impeached (and if convicted) that would make Biden President – and that is ultimately worse than Obama in every respect!
Obama, on Feb. 2, 2009, said economy fail will make him one term President
Let’s hope he gets one thing right then.
I don’t think the Nobel Peace Prize is really about peace. Thomas Sowell said it’s the Kentucky Derby of left wing personalities.
Sowell would know too … he used to be a Marxist at one time.
He’s come a long way baby!
Have you seen this interview?
Yes, but not in a while. I will be viewing it again in the next couple of days … he is one smart man.
My girl!
-doesn’t have to distance herself from ObomneyCare
-has always been against Cap N Trade
-never resigned her position to do speaking engagements and ride on Harleys (no offense intended to anyone here)
There is a self-selecting process in which those who are genetically prone to emote instead of reason only protest publicly and report such protests enthusiastically in their news media when the President does not share their temperament. Political persuasion, like most aspects of personality, is 50% genetic, according to classic twins-separated-at-birth studies. Since it is 50% genetic, and it splits at about 50% too, that leaves 25% of newborns who will become liberals as adults no matter what, with another 25% who can be influenced to turn conservative/libertarian based on environmental influence. Keeping the economy bad but not too bad is how liberalism survives in a democracy, for either prosperity or squalor takes away the environmental factors that favor idealism over realism, those being a need for welfare and a perception among the elite who survive on academic welfare (federal research grants in the liberal arts etc.) that everyone is entitled to be organic vegans who roast their own coffee. Due to the lack of a balanced budget amendment of some type, federal spending and can be used to produce future tax hikes and money printing which then act to produce the ideal conditions for idealism.
In other words: “Where are your war protests, now, kids?”
Watch Syria.
US Navy missile ships are hording off coast Syria as Hamas and Hizbollah move their missile stocks from Syrian soil.
There will be war with Syria, Iran, which will also involve Saudi Arabia.
In the mean time the Obama Administration does anything to stop further oil and gas developments from Texas to Alaska.
Obama is not only waging war in the Middle East , NA and the Persian Gulf.
He’s waging war on the USA as well.
The time has come to kick the hack out of office.
I never thought he was on our side.
He won’t be kicked out of office. They won’t kick the first black President out of office. There would be a real burning up of the West if they did. We can only pray to make it until January 2013 when, hopefully, Michele Bachmann (or some other, lesser Republican) gets sworn in, someone that doesn’t hate the Founding Fathers and doesn’t consider the system of government they constructed to be the problem.