Northern Hemisphere Sea Surface Temperatures Crashing

Sea surface temperatures are the most important factor in determining weather over the next few months. The northern hemisphere seas are turning frigid. No surprise that California, Greenland and The UK have been running cold.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Northern Hemisphere Sea Surface Temperatures Crashing

  1. suyts says:

    Question…… the anomalous cold we see just south of the arctic in both the Pacific and by Greenland, is that coming from or going towards the arctic or just circulating nearby?

    • Latitude says:

      Looks like it……………… was the warm water coming up from Japan, went through the Bering, hit the Beaufort, and out Davis, that started this whole mess……
      If you were looking at SST’s, you could watch it happen…
      Of course, that would have been too much to ask anyone studying it to do /snark

    • Latitude says:

      going towards……..on the Pacific side…..going away through the Davis at Greenland.
      Don’t forget, that spot at Greenland is where GISS had been claiming “unprecedented warming”

      • suyts says:

        lol, yes, and some people still do. They get stuck in the past and pretend the present isn’t occurring.

        This, IMO, would be interesting to watch.

      • Latitude says:

        All that warm water that came up from Japan, went out the Davis….
        …that’s what caused that 1/2 degree unprecedented warming anomaly

        Keep your eye on that purple blob off Alaska for the next few weeks and watch what happens 😉


  2. co2insanity says:

    That must not be a GISS developed map.

  3. Jimbo says:

    London is currently a balmy 15C with rain and wind. Another barbecue summer on the way?

  4. TinyCO2 says:

    UAH reflects this drop in sea surface too.

    Since the Aqua stuff has taken over, has anyone any idea which is the channel proxy for global temperatures?

  5. Marian says:

    ‘Jimbo says:
    June 20, 2011 at 8:28 pm
    London is currently a balmy 15C with rain and wind. Another barbecue summer on the way?”

    Lovely. That’s around my current SH winter temp in Auckland NZ. Nice. 🙂

    NZ is experincing a lack of snow on the skifields though. OZ is doing better this year. OH well 3 previous winters in a row of record and near record snowfall levels this way. This current season being late isn’t entirely unusual though.

  6. Andy WeissDC says:

    What is that little hot spot doing in the middle of the Pacific? Does that mean La Nina is officially dead?

  7. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    This should make for a slow melt in the Arctic this summer.

  8. pwl says:

    BC is frigging freezing with the constant overcast skies, even on the warmer days… brrrrrr…. 2nd coldest spring in 100 years in Vancouver area with very low sunshine by more than a 100 fewer hours of sun in May alone.

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