In California last week I rented a tiny Mazda. It used very little ga$, was easy to park and could turn on a dime. Ga$ was $4.50 a gallon.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- dm on African Desertification
Today was my least favorite day in Ft. Collins – Bike to Work Day. Nothing like giving bikers a bad reputation than to get a bunch of idiots on the road that might bike only 3 times/year otherwise. They blow through stop signs, ride on the sidewalk, ride on the wrong side of the road, etc. And none of them wear helmets!
No skepticism of helmet claims?
After one of my wrecks, I had a big dent in my helmet. Without the helmet, that might have been my head…hard to say. Anyway, the helmet might also protect me from small meteors. 😉
That is a description of my ideal world.
I’d prefer it if the bikers didn’t make fools of themselves and followed the law. Of course, I had fun passing all of them after the light turned green because they started in too high of a gear. I intentionally bike faster when I’m passing people that clearly don’t bike often.
Have you spent much time in Europe? Cars, bikes, everywhere going every direction on both sides of the street.. The way life was intended to be.
We always rent an SUV because my wife wants to chauffeur her sisters around while we are out there. So I pay the extra, because while they are off doing women things (like shopping), the husbands sir around a BBQ, grilling and drinking beer!
Sorry, “sit” around.
You rented a, gasp!, car? Hey, the adventures of cycling between psychopaths is triple in So Cal. Think of the excitement!
My little machine is rated at 40 hwy. Imagine that a minor portion of the energy in one gallon of fuel will push me and a 1 1/2 ton machine 40 miles at 60mph. It’s amazing.