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Phil Jones Signs Statistically Significant Deal With The Red Devils
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That was sometime in the late 80s and this is a history lesson because he is proving that without paying attention to history the same mistakes will be repeated. Some fools still listen to what Phil has to say!
Some fools even attempt to defend him!
Any extrapolated temperature record was not statistically significant last year. However with a El Nino year having passed, Just time really, he can now claim Statistical significance to warming when the “Proper” Al-Gore-Rhythm is applied using a cherry picked baseline and corrupted data. More evidence that GIGO rules in Climatology!
lol, is there someone that plays soccer named Phil Jones that recently signed with the Red Devils?
As to the more commonly known Dr. Phil in these circles,….ughhh, you wouldn’t believe the conversation I had on that one! Phil found it by going from Nina to Nino, ending in 2010. I showed this guy other graphs, but apparently I was cherry-picking. I showed him my RSS graph (12/97 to present) Apparently, in that person’s mind, 15 years is necessary for the statistically significant determination, but 13 1/2…..not so much. But then, I couldn’t convince him(?) that when temps level off, that is isn’t warming any more.
You’re a bit slow you lot!!
You mean like hottest in 50 years means it’s the same? LOL
The Pretendident is speaking casually about “if” he only stayed 1 term….. Gee, I wonder what could make him consider quitting?….., what with all that free golf, star studded parties, and personal jumbo jet n’ all. It’s almost like he’s worried that a 22 page criminal indictment would turn up somewhere.
Here is what I think of Phil Jones (and Al Gore too):
Obama is going to be a showbiz star wherever he goes…does he really need the Presidential Aggravation? I mean..what personal development goal might he have by now? Is he going to run for Papal election?
ps as for “temps are flat” please keep in mind, temps were supposed to be down by now, but thanks to AGW, they are not as cool as they would have been /sarc