The key to defeating global warming is convincing our political leaders that saving our planet is job one. Unfortunately, the Republican Party dismisses global warming in favor of me-first greed, and the Democratic Party is either too timid or unable to implement what needs to be done.
To impede progress, fossil-fuels-industry-linked think tanks produce opinion pieces, creating doubt that human-induced global warming is real. Fox News, conservative talk radio and right-wing bloggers then promote those ideas to their unquestioning audiences
For the record, too much CO2 is a problem because it traps heat like the windows of a car on a sunny day; in the 1970s, only 10 percent of climate scientists were predicting a cooling period (compared to 62 percent who were predicting warming); and multiple independent panels have cleared the “Climategate” scientists of any wrongdoing.
If the trend continues, today’s students will see global warming hit full force during their lifetimes. Waiting for older generations to act is reckless.
Once the phenomenon reaches its tipping point, there’s no turning back.
Human-caused global warming has melted glaciers and threatens the polar bears’ existence, which the scientific community understands but the fossil-fuels industry keeps trying to debunk.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Every sentence was based on a fantasy. What else can one expect from something coming out of Nashville. The rest of the state wants Nashville to Secede.
Here’s the tipping point (ten years later)… No, here’s the tipping point (ten years later)…Wait, listen, here’s the tipping point. Yawn!
The warmists argument, when confronted with facts, always degrades to – “but….can we afford to wait”. Every argument I have had with alarmists has turned into that irrational, emotional position. That’s why the “tipping point” is always just ahead in the future.
Just like “peak” oil. It’s here…no it’s here…no it’s……shale gas.
Satanic, greedy, Republicans and the evil capitalist profit motive are going to destroy us all!
Well God Bless Steven Goddard. His Daddy wasn’t too bright either.
Indeed, Republicans are greedy – they want to keep the money THEY earn. Democrats are so magnanimous. They want to keep the money OTHERS earn.
Santorum was on Beck recently. He is the only candidate I know of that sees AGW for what it is – A giant Con. He says drill everywhere. On this and other things, he’s a great candidate. Young too. But he’s not a frontrunner. Maybe Perry/Santorum? Bachmann/Santorum? Perry isn’t rolling over either, but Santorum is dead on the money on this issue. He knows it’s complete Bullshite.
I was impressed with him as well on a number of issues.