Seattle PI 2005 : Flat Earthers Deny That The Snake River Is Running Out Of Water

The debunkers of global warming — a Flat Earth Society of the 21st century — pooh-pooh talk that the climate is undergoing fundamental change.

They should have been in the audience yesterday.

“The fact is that the drought in the Upper Snake River basin is not only the worst on record, it appears to be the recurrence of a 500-year cycle,” Karl Dreher, director of the Idaho Department of Water Resources, told the conference.

Meanwhile, back in the real world.

The Bureau of Reclamation will increase flows below Palisades Dam from 15,000 cubic feet per second to 17,000 cfs Thursday night to slow the rate of fill of Palisades Reservoir.  Palisades Dam is located on the Snake River about 50 miles east of Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Snake River flows below Palisades Dam were reduced last week to lessen the effect of flood flows from the Henrys Fork on the Snake River downstream of the Henrys Fork confluence. Flood control space in Palisades Reservoir and Jackson Lake Dam remains slightly more than required, but the margin is shrinking.

“As snow melts and reservoir space fills, reservoir operations must respond to changes in the weather and watershed conditions,” said Mike Beus, Reclamation Water Operations Manager. “The unprecedented amount of snow that still remains this late in June will result in especially dynamic river flows.”
Flows are increasing to maintain a small margin of safety above the required flood control space, Beus explained.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Seattle PI 2005 : Flat Earthers Deny That The Snake River Is Running Out Of Water

  1. GregW says:

    “The fact is that the drought in the Upper Snake River basin is not only the worst on record, it appears to be the recurrence of a 500-year cycle,” Karl Dreher, director of the Idaho Department of Water Resources,

    So there was a severe period of drought 500 years ago? Since it wasn’t caused by human activity what’s to say any current drought is caused by AGW?

  2. Dave N says:

    Must have been all those gas-guzzling native americans 500 years ago that caused it.

    I wonder if these bozos realise they are signing themselves up for ridicule when they say things like that. Probably not.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    “recurrence of a 500-year cycle”

  4. Latitude says:

    “The fact is that the drought in the Upper Snake River basin is not only the worst on record”

    This is called lying by omission……….and it’s the one thing climate scientists and environmentalists are famous for.

    The dam was built in 1957, so the worst on record does not cover the 1930’s dust bowl when it went completely dry.

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