Below, I shifted the current cycle (red) to align with the start of the previous one (blue.)
Below, I shifted the current cycle (red) to align with the start of the previous one (blue.)
Polish your skates afore you go out on the Thames, guv`nor?
We ain’t seen nothin’ yet…….
Low sun activity plus mutliple volcanic eruptions, in conjunction with global wierding and jet stream disruption could make for a frigid 2011-12 winter. Might delay the much anticipated ice-free Arctic a little while!
Two Mag 9 earthquakes in the last 10 years – a statistical anomaly.
Chaiten in Chile considered on the verge of extinction -last eruption 9600 years ago
Nabro in Eritrea no historical evidence of Holocene eruption.
Watch out for a VEI 6 on the equator – that will really make for a frigid time.
3 more links on the subject
David Whitehouse: Next Solar Cycle May Not Happen
Lewis Page: Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade
Sun’s Fading Spots Signal Big Drop in Solar Activity by Denise Chow,
Solar Scientist Leif Svalgaard was tipping that solar max may have been already reached in a WUWT comment a couple of weeks ago.
lol, I picked this jewel up from a WUWT commentator, a John M…..
Our friends at NASA may have missed again
Hathaway’s prediction record is as bad as Hansen’s
At least Hathaway has been prepared to acknowledge he has been wrong; unlike Hansen. On the other hand, it is harder to adjust sunspot numbers upward.
The reduced sunspot activity is due to the fact that modelers underestimated the effects of aerosols.
lol, how did Hansen term it? Overly sensitive……