The Disappearing Ice Cap

Antarctic sea ice area has been above the 30 year mean for most of the past two years.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to The Disappearing Ice Cap

  1. Jimbo says:

    Ahhhh but if the world warmed…..oh wait…..forget it. Let’s concentrate on the Arctic while ignoring the effects of wind, soot and the bi-polar seesaw. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

      I was under the impression that Bi-polar is a prerequisite to be a climatologist and study sea ice.

  2. Ill wind blowing says:

    So what? The situation between North and Southern ocean ice caps are so different that your point is meaningless. First, I’ve noticed how no skeptic claims outright that the Ocean around Antarctica is warming. Instead you want others to assume that you’re claiming that. You don’t want to commit yourself to specifics.

    Could it be because a simple anomaly map would falsify your claims? Even if Antarctica were colder than the global average (NOT!) how would this counteract what is happening throughout the rest of the earth (you know “globe”)? You are essentially making a mystical, ying yang, style argument where this increase in Antarctic sea ice magically nullifies the decrease in the Arctic ice cap.

    The sea ice is growing (not as much as is claimed) due to the mechanical effect of increased wind. More wind opens up portions of open water within the ice. This open water refreezes. Since this process continuous, the amount of sea ice increases.

    You can compare this process to an ice maker machine. It’s not mere coldness that produces ice but the fact that the ice is being pushed out to make room for more ice.

    Second, I’ve noticed how no skeptic even attempts to respond to this well known answer as to why the Antarctic sea ice is really growing. No meaningful response that is, just the usual empty ridicule.

    • suyts says:

      lol, IWB, you forget to take your meds today? How on earth did you glean that from a simple graph and one sentence accurately stating something incontrovertible?

      You know, its a riot. Come about next winter we’ll hear volumes about how the Antarctic is doomed…..blah, blah, blah…..and then nothing and every summer all we hear is about how the arctic is doomed …..blah….blah….blah……

      And so Steve gives us an update on the antarctic and you nearly have a stroke? WUWT?

      BTW, neither temp tracking station in the South pole can give a very meaningful idea of about what the temps are in the interior antarctic. I don’t care what big Jim says or what color of crayon he uses.

    • Scott says:

      Funny that the Antarctic ice sheet increases have nothing to do with temperatures, but when discussing the Arctic the loss of ice is due to CO2 emissions causing temperatures to rise and the other factors are ignored.


      • suyts says:

        Apparently, the dynamics are different down there…….. you see up here, hot causes snow, but down there, ….. well, we know it has nothing to do with temps……. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Grumpy Grampy ;) says:

        It is the southern hemisphere and everything is reversed there. Of course the residents there think everything is reversed in the northern hemisphere and they may be more correct. 8)

    • Latitude says:

      You mean the warmcold ,snowrain thing?
      Warmer air holds more moisture, so it snowed more, fresh water blah blah

      but it’s going to change soon and all the ice in the world is doomed….







      • suyts says:

        Alas poor Lat, I barely knew ye.

      • Latitude says:

        LOL…..was that over the top?

        I can never tell…………………

      • suyts says:

        No, I think you did IWB just about perfect.

      • Latitude says:

        Too bad he didn’t get it…………………..;)

        Games over anyway….
        Kyoto is dead, cap and trade won’t happen, they can’t even pay people to take carbon credits…..
        …China, India, etc are just coming online, when Africa comes online……….

        We can hold our breath until we turn green, we don’t count any more……….and there’s not one thing we can do except sit back and enjoy the party….

        What would be a hoot is it the climate stopped….nothing changed…..same average temp for summer, winter

        Watching all these schools, teachers, and scientists hustling to find anew disaster de jour………

  3. suyts says:

    lol, but you can bet your azz they would. Ultimately they’re after energy, water, and food.. But they’ll intersperse other alarm causes along the way. I don’t think recycling the ozone would work anymore, though it could have just a few years back. They still have many fooled on water, but I think its DOA as soon as the run with it. And, I think they’ll give it a whirl. Even food is going to be tricky for them, now.

    They just about had it wrapped up, but 2 events happened that they didn’t see coming. Steve McIntyre and the climate refusing to cooperate. After Steve Mc had what could only be described as an unqualified success. Noting the apparent need for another blog that wasn’t so heavy on the stats, in steps Anthony and the rest is history!

    And for those not familiar, Anthony had a guy posting articles on his blog for a while. He had a certain style of presentation that irked the warmistas something fierce, and even drew ire from some lukewarmers. But his criticisms of the AGW mantra weren’t just cleverly pointed, they were spot on! He’s gone on to do his own blog, I understand he’s number 25 today on WordPress.

    And now you know the rest of the story…..

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