He fits the Clinton/Gore/Edwards mold. Prepackaged candidate.
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No doubt! As I understand it, he’s been a champion of liberal causes since he started his political career. Being a protege of Sen. Chuck Schumer, his liberal credentials are impeccable! Who could be more fitting to represent that part of our society? ——– Well, Barney Frank would be, but the bigots against congressmen running a homosexual prostitution ring from their homes won’t allow him to be nominated.
True. Those damn right wing extremists! What’s a little prostitution between Komrades, er, uh, constituents? Just because you’ve sent a few porn shots of yourself hither and yon to people you don’t know? Everybody does that! Why, just last week, I filmed a threesome with a goat and a chicken and posted it on my facebook page. I want everyone to share in these intimate moments.
OK, so seriously…… The Bam meister may not be on the ticket in 2012. I know it’s a lot to hope for, and maybe he will, but …. maybe he won’t. Why, oh why is he musing about a single term in the news today? (Hint: 22 page criminal complaint)
Are there enough law abiding people in our republic to stand up and speak truth before authority?
I don’t know.
If Obumster throws in the towel, who better than Weenie to represent the Depravity of the left? He could always pick Frank as his running …..mate? or a drag queen:
What better way to explain what the left is selling?
He doesn’t seem to be getting the message from his own party that they think he should bugger off! I hate politicians who hold on with fingernails, shows how badly they are in it for themselves.
Someone give him a push …..
Yes, it is on both sides. It is obvious that most are in it for the power and money. I, for one, believe that term limits and a citizen legislature is the way to go. By that, I mean, sure, pay them for their time, but no more than the median income of their country. No frills, no perks, no plane rides from the military, just service to the nation. Once they serve a couple of terms, they need to go away and reap what they sowed in the real world.
I’m not optimistic that would ever happen, but I believe that would be the best way for any democracy or democratic republic.
Well, to be fair and balanced …
Clinton = ( Weiner + Gore + Edwards + Newt ) ^ 2
or perhaps …
Clinton = JFK
… but JFK was never accused of rape.
I get a kick out of liberals because they love Clinton and Carter….
…there has never been two more redneck, backward, country bumpkins
Well, he is the “package” candidate anyway.
“The only e-mails I will talk about today are the ones that support what [Weiner] said about his package,” Ms. Allred said, before reading snippets from several messages that she said Mr. Weiner had sent Ms. Lee. “I have wardrobe demands too, I need to highlight my package,” Ms. Allred said before turning to a different e-mail. “Alright. My package and I are not gonna beg.”
Plenty of scum on both sides of the aisle.
Yes, there is. It is one of the reasons that I don’t claim to be part of the Republican party. While the accusations of hypocrisy are often over-inflated, they have their share.