Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Christopher Horner, [email protected]
Paul Chesser, [email protected]American Tradition Institute’s Environmental Law Center today filed a lawsuit in federal district court in the District of Columbia to force the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to release ethics records for taxpayer-funded global warming activist Dr. James Hansen – specifically records that pertain to his outside employment, revenue generation, and advocacy activities.
ATI seeks to learn whether NASA approved Hansen’s outside employment, which public financial disclosures and other documents reveal to have brought him at least $1.2 million in the past four years. This money comes in addition to – and, more troubling from an ethics and legal perspective, is all related to – his taxpayer-funded employment. Dr. Hansen’s outside employment commenced when he increased his “global warming” activism from his perch at NASA.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Another guy getting rich trying to save the planet!
It’s all for his granchildren – the money that is. 😉
Zogby Poll:
Michele Bachmann now in lead among Republicans
-Bachmann 24%
-Romney 15%
-Cain 15%
Zogby Obama report card: C-
That is being incredibly generous
I think there are reasons for a generous mark for him.
Don’t most schools have a rule that students must provide proper proof of identity ere they receive reports?
Of course alarmist apologists will now predictably claim he is being “harassed”
“It takes two to lie…one to lie and one to listen”
– Homer Simpson (The Simpsons)
I like this one better:
MARGE: Homer, no, you’ll kill us all.
HOMER: Or die trying!