These riots were about race. Why ignore the fact?
What colour is Mark Duggan? Mark Duggan is the man who was shot dead by the police on Thursday in Tottenham. The Tottenham riots last night were sparked when people protested his death. This morning, I first heard of the riots on the radio, then on the television. I read articles on the internet. But oddly, no one would say what colour Mark Duggan was. No one would say the unsayable, that the rioters were, I suspect on the whole, black. Then, finally, Toby Young’s Telegraph blog post on the riots was published. Is Toby Young the only journalist out there who will dare say that these riots are about race?
He explained that about 80 per cent of gun crime took place in the black community. I smiled uncomfortably. But no, he said, it was worse than that. Then he told me that 80 per cent was black on black gun crime, and that of the remaining 20 per cent about 75 per cent involved at least one black person: black shooting white, or white shooting black. I pushed to know more. While he kept saying his stats were crude and he didn’t have scientific numbers, on the whole the whites who were involved in these shootings tended to be from Eastern Europe.
Was any of this ever mentioned in their presentation? Of course not. Just like the news about the Tottenham riots doesn’t mention race either.
Problems cannot be addressed unless people are willing to tell the truth. As with so many other things in this country, we stick our heads in the sand and refuse to speak out about it.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Sounds a lot like the issue of Islam and terrorism. Many people won’t use the words Islam and terrorism in the same sentence for fear of being branded Islamophobic. Yet the majority of the victims of radical Muslim terror attacks are Muslims.
“If offensiveness is a criterion for suppressing free speech, then you can no longer have free speech”. – John Carpay
Maybe it’s just about politics. The UK government was in up to its eyeballs with the NotW scandal and it appeared to be spreading to the leaking, by the Norwich police, of info about climategate and the same phone-hackers that had been hired by the UEA. All it takes is any opportunity and less than effective police presence (especially if they are ordered to let it go…)
You can’t take your eye off the ball or you will get beaned.
Congrads for linking an article with so many hate filled messages in it.
Yes Brian, those animals, the rioters and looters and arsonists are hate filled. Oh, wait a minute, that’s not what you were talking about is it?
You were criticizing the people that are not rioting and looting and burning London, the ones tucked away in their flats blogging about the carnage. They are using such terrible words to voice their feelings of despair and frustration. That’s who you are criticizing correct?
Ever the little socialist you are, defending the welfare state to the bitter end even as the parasites you (or your overseas counterparts) helped create, torch the place to the ground. I’ve seen quite a few of you popping off in the past few days at the Telegraph and elsewhere, bitterly clutching your socialist pipedream even as it crumbles.
You usually talk a load of rubbish but have excelled yourself this time.
The article reports on the facts, nothing more. Since when has it been unacceptable to report facts?
Incidentally most of the racial tension in the UK exists between the various ethnic
minorities. Many of the attacks in Tottenham, for instance, were by blacks on Asian, Turkish and Polish properties. Just be grateful you were not living in one of them.
I’m talking about all the racist comments below the article.
@Brian: If I were to post a racist reply to your comment, does that make your comment offensive or any less valid? Think about the logic (or lack thereof) that you are employing here.
Well, P.J… I’m not too keen on spreading racist propaganda.
The BBC has been spreading anti-Semitic propaganda for their entire existence.
@Brian: How is Steve’s posting of an article the same as spreading racist propaganda? Just because idiots post racist comments below the article doesn’t make the article any less valid, nor does it make Steve a spreader of racist propaganda.
By the way, do you watch videos on youtube? Check the comments below them … many of the videos have comments that are blatantly racist and anti-Semetic. Does that mean we shouldn’t post links to good videos to make a point because a few twits post moronic comments below them?
I would also say this P.J… If this is simply gang violence for the hell of it, why now? Why not last month? A year ago. It’s easy to write people off as hoodlums. I think a lot of white people DO want them to just be hoodlums. They want to simplify it down to that level because of their prejudice.
Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you get to say whatever you want and not be criticized for it. Is the black on white crime outrageous? Sure it is. Nobody being honest will tell you any different. But I’m not going to sit here and believe that a large number of people just decided to go crazy just for the hell of it.
Brain, those people, engaged in such acts, regardless of what color or creed they are, are indeed hoodlums. They engaged in random acts of violence against their fellow citizens. We’re having a similar problems here in the states. You guys feel free to deal with them as you see fit, I’m sure prancing around words that mention or imply race will be as helpful as trying to do the fox-trot in a mine field. Does it matter what the motivation is behind random acts of violence against people you don’t know?
For every action there is a reaction, and in this case good, honest citizens are now organizing their own neighborhood security groups. I say good for them as the police did nothing to protect them and left them to fend for themselves.
While it is still not clear if the UK incident was racially motivated, here in the states there is no doubt that violence in incidents like the Milwaukee State Fair, Philly and Chicago flash mob attacks, etc. are clearly targeting whites. It is sad to see a political party promote racial divisiveness for political gain, and now it is clear that the unintended consequences of their political gamesmanship has led to violence aimed at whites. Those who have incited violence against good white citizens, by putting them into their political crosshairs for political gain, will continue to do so and the media will excuse their actions.
In the mean time the man who sat for twenty years in the pews of a Black Separatist Church in Chicago will once again pretend he is unifier and not a divider and the press will fawn over his lies again because they already made their bed and have no choice but to lay with him.
The UK media go out of their way not to identify perpetrators’ and victims’ race in their reporting. If they do, you often end up with “asian men” when they mean Pakistani which ticks off the Chinese and other groups.
Our Department of Justice used to keep careful race statistics on crime. That information is now presented in a PC fashion that waters down the statistics, hiding the numbers. The one stat that stands out in my memory was this, it is 18 times more likely for a black man to kill a white man than for a white man to kill a black man.
People get very uncomfortable when these kinds of stats are mentioned, but until we face this issue and deal with the problem it will continue to fester. We are having riots in America too, riots that are not being covered in national news because they are being perpetrated by a protected class. Ask the mayor of Philadelphia if I am wrong.
“You’ve damaged yourself, you’ve damaged another person, you’ve damaged your peers and, quite honestly, you’ve damaged your own race,” Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said in a fiery address before his congregation Sunday. “You damaged your own race!”
That was removed from my news source shortly after I read it. Probably to radical for the PC crowd.
The apologists would not stand for it.
Political correctness is the key to undermining a healthy functional society. Pretending that if we just dont talk about something, it will go away, is not just foolish but downright dangerous.
A good example is racial profiling. To not use racial profiling against a racially motivated terrorist group, actually makes it easier for the terrorists to work. If racial profiling didn’t work, we wouldn’t use it. To claim we can’t do what works, simply cause its not PC, is stupidly dangerous.
Sure, I feel sorry for nonradical muslims cause they bear the hate for their radical few. But does it make sense to endanger everyone (including other muslims)?
As politically incorrect as it would be, a curfew on blacks in the cities having these riots would end them immediately. Period. I know it isn’t fair to the majority of black people. But at some point society must actually take steps to bring violence and disruption under control, regardless of whose feelings get hurt.
Before I get accused of being racialy motivated, I also think if sports fans in Vancouver can’t stop rioting, then they should be put under stricter rules too. Unfair to the masses of fans, absolutely, but are riots fair to the masses?
PC is the insidious invention of the left. It is a direct assault on the principles of free speech. The very first proponents should have been subject to capital punishment in a very public and very painful manner.
I agree, for what else is PC but censorship?
Stuff like this starts to happen when rich people have all the money and don’t give a shit about anyone. People have to become pretty damn frustrated to riot in these types of numbers. All games aside, none of these politicians give as crap about you and me. And from what I understand, this started in a protest before it went sour and turn into a riot.
The world is fucked… And if you want to call me a chicken little for having that view point, go right ahead. The days of the white picket fence life is over.
No Brian, not frustrated, just lawless hooligans. There is a load of rubbish talked about lack of employment opportunities for some of these youngsters, but most of them would run a mile if you offered them a proper 9-5 job. They would much prefer to hang around with the rest of their gangs on street corners, getting involved in petty crime and drugs.
That’s why so many kids are off playing truant from school even at ages of 9 and below. They could if they wanted work hard at school and make something of their lives but they don’t. The trouble is they expect the state to look after them when they get to 16 and give them all the things they want.
“There is a load of rubbish talked about lack of employment opportunities for some of these youngsters, but most of them would run a mile if you offered them a proper 9-5 job.”
Where is your proof to back up your statement Paul. Do you live in England?
I’m tired of hearing conservatives whine about drugs. If we can’t legalize Marijuana, then ban Alcohol. Why is that crap legal?
Why College Tuition Is So Expensive
People need to cut “The Big American Dream” stuff because it’s a load of crap along with the “Well, if you work hard” stuff. I mean, really? Jobs are hard to come by for even experienced people nowadays.
lol, waaa,…. life’s tough!!!! The man is keeping me down!!! I want to smoke my pot!!!!
Grow a pair, quit smoking that stuff, understand that you don’t need to go to college to educate yourself, and most importantly, realize that its on you! Are there people and forces that make it more difficult in life? Yep, and they will be with you until you die. Nope, its not fair. Suck it up. Understand that if you are not willing to do the things to make it better for you, no one else should be expected to either.
Has the American dream passed? Probably. It is because of the whining, sniveling, SOBs that would rob the freedoms, liberties, and money of the American people in the name of equality and justice. See my comment below as to why this doesn’t work.
That’s the biggest load of crap I’ve ever seen on this site and I’ve seen a lot!
“Stuff like this starts to happen when rich people have all the money and don’t give a shit about anyone. People have to become pretty damn frustrated to riot in these types of numbers.”
So, because some rich guys doesn’t give a crap about me, I can loose all sense of civility and personal responsibility and just commit random acts of violence against people I don’t know?
No, “these types of numbers” represent the amount of scumbags planted on this earth that need weeded out. I don’t give a crap if some rich person thinks about me or not. He doesn’t effect me.
There exists a number of these people in every society. The rioter in London, would be the sports rioter in Vancouver, would be the violent rioter at a G8 conference, would be part of a death gang in Somolia, etc etc. They are simply a person with a desire to do these things and are always looking for an excuse to be uncivilised.
Pretending this is somehow a legit form of protest is absurd.
I’m islamophobic and proud of it……
…they taught me to be this way
I was riding on the tubes in London on 7/21/2005
Well good Lord…..
That’ll do it!
When government says “FU” then it’s hard to blame people for not wanting to be slaves to the system. They sit around counting their money while middle class America has to be happy with eating a 99 cent McDonald’s fat burger.
The average american male has no sack anymore. When middle class families start finding themselves out on a street they will figure it out. And at the rate things have been going for the last decade, it’s only a matter of time.
Then Brian, you go after the people you believe is harming you. Yeh, that’ll show ’em….. I’m going to loot and completely FU that neighbor of mine, minding his own business. That’s a legitimate from of protest guaranteed to bring about the desired change.
There is a third leg to the tenants of Freedom and Equality. It is Justice. And, those that would ask for justice should engage in justice. Those that won’t engage in justice are not deserving of justice nor freedom. Equality may only be achieved when Freedom and Justice are equally provided. So, you go ahead and excuse those “flash mobbing” bastards. For me, I’ll maintain me and mine’s freedom’s from them……. by exercising the ultimate form of justice to people that would harm me or mine. I would encourage all freedom loving people to do just the same. Organize if need be. But resist those people that would engage and excuse the murderous and riotous acts and execute justice to establish peace. You’ll have none if these people are allowed to continue without consequences. Be it London, Wisconsin, or Philly.
uh, Brian might not like that…..
…in Florida we have the shoot first and ask questions later law
Do you understand standard English as written and spoken, or do you use a translation program? I cannot figure out what this mashed up jumble of words is supposed to mean.
I certainly hope you find a better place in your life soon, preferably a place where you’re not just cluelessly slagging people because of their place of birth.
“lol, waaa,…. life’s tough!!!! The man is keeping me down!!! I want to smoke my pot!!!!
Grow a pair, quit smoking that stuff, understand that you don’t need to go to college to educate yourself, and most importantly, realize that its on you! Are there people and forces that make it more difficult in life? Yep, and they will be with you until you die. Nope, its not fair. Suck it up. Understand that if you are not willing to do the things to make it better for you, no one else should be expected to either.
Has the American dream passed? Probably. It is because of the whining, sniveling, SOBs that would rob the freedoms, liberties, and money of the American people in the name of equality and justice. See my comment below as to why this doesn’t work.”
The American dream has passed because of greed at the top and yes… Over population.
Funny enough… I’ve never smoked any joint. But I do laugh at those that whine about drugs, but then have nothing to say about the deaths alcohol causes every year. It’s pretty much a joke like many of the conservative values. What are you going to do when gas is 7 bucks a gallon? You’ll willingly bend over a little bit further and take it. You shouldn’t worry though because you still have God. *Snicker*.
“lol, waaa,…. life’s tough!!!! The man is keeping me down!!! I want to smoke my pot!!!! ”
The above you condemn.
“The man is keeping me down. I will burn down a block of shops and flats and steal
a bunch of shit”.
And that you justify.
Yer deranged bro’.
It boggles the mind.
“lol, waaa,…. Those darn blacks are destroying the land we stole!”
What is justice suyts? Is it busting petty inner city drug dealers when you should be more worried about murders, rapist and child molesters? Why worry about those when you can easily bust petty inner city drug dealers?
Like I said, I’ve heard it all started with a protest over someone that was shot. But then it got worse. I’m not applauding total chaos, but I understand the frustrations of some, and maybe some action needs to be taken in America since government clearly isn’t getting the picture. Look at how big of a fuck up the government is… Just look at the debt ceiling issue. It’s up to these guys to do what’s best for the country and it’s obvious to most that that isn’t happening.
But hey… Only one more year and you get to vote for whatever hillbilly the republican party decides to promote. It’ll all get better then… You’ll see..
as opposed to voting for whatever hillbilly the democrat party decides to promote…..,+not+so+bad.jpg
You know, its sick that I agree with that pic!
I’ve never voted in my life, but give me Clinton over an inarticulate chimp like Bush anyday. The day he was voted into office was the day America lost almost all of it’s creditability?
Damn… I put a question mark there. I really need to go to bed. lol
you can’t be a flaming liberal…..
….and a backward hillbilly at the same time
AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I always think of Elmer Fudd when I think of Jimmy Cawtu and the wabbit! Where’s Eli when you need him?
stop it….
Brian thinks republicans are hillbillies…….;-)
No, it won’t get any better because of apologists like you. You think drugs is a victimless crime? Take a closer look. Rapists and murders and child molesting? Sure. I’m all for getting them! I wonder where it happens the most? What are you guessing? The hills of Arkansas? The plains of Kansas? What about Wyoming? I’ll take a hillbilly any day. Yes, rape, murder and child molesting occur there, but that’s not where its predominate……. but you knew that. But, its prolly some rich guy not giving a shit that’s the cause of some maniac, whining about his momma not breast feeding, taking the life of someone else. Because, they’re not to blame because it sucks out there.
Is the govt fubar? Yep, is sure is. Is that an excuse to go to your neighbor and attack him or her? Someone got shot? You know, I’m of the opinion more should be.
Brian, this nation, and Great Britain are in dire straits. We have great problems and great struggles ahead of us. As you point out, the politicians we send to Washington don’t help us. They hurt us. Our government works against us. We have many suffering because of their actions. It angers you, it angers me, it angers just about anyone that has given it any thought. Racially motivated criminals will not help the situation. They harm it greatly. Heck, racially motivated anything works to the detriment of an integrated society.
We are getting to a point where things will be decided. Our metal as nations will be tested. Our metal as people will be tested. We will either break and melt away, or we will be refined and shine like silver with the dross separated. Currently, we have the luxury of waiting and deciding where we want to be when history calls. Soon, that too, will be taken from us. Brian, it is easy to feel helpless. It’s harder to recognize that you and I (all of us) as individuals bare the responsibility of not only doing what is right, but showing what is right. And, if necessary, insisting on what is right. (It shouldn’t be necessary for us to so.)
You ask what is Justice? I could give you the various definitions to the word, or refer you to the U.S. penal code…… neither do the word “Justice” justice. It is a principle or idea of fairness… an equal thought of not only forgiveness but also damnation. And, while we can’t possibly properly put it on paper, Justice, like freedom, must be limited(delineated) in order to be possessed. One cannot posses anything that is unlimited. There is only one exception to this rule.
Best regards,
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if sometime in the future they figure out that anarchy is exactly what the people running the government wanted…………..
That it was all stirred up, and funded by the very people that wanted one world government…
What better way to convince everyone that government really needs to crack down.
…that we really need government to protect us
I thought you were already able to see that. I figured it out with the hiring practices and promotion practices that were put in place. I saw that with school busing and sixth grade centers. The promotion of cultural diversity is the divide and conquer principle. The easiest way to adapt the “No Child Left Behind” program is to lower the standards and lesson plan for all students.
I am not certain about the folks wanting one world government but it is a part of certain people’s agenda, as seen mostly in the DNC!
It is that way. The govt entities, on a daily basis, attempt to form that idea in all of our minds. That somehow, without them, we couldn’t possibly exist. That we need them, when in reality, it is the government that requires us. We are the ones that extend power to them. They only retain power when the populace is divided and has no singular voice. The divisive policies enacted are intentional by some naive by others. Tolerated by too many. It is past time.
“No, it won’t get any better because of apologists like you. You think drugs is a victimless crime?”
Marijuana is far less harmful to this country than Alcohol.
“wonder where it happens the most? What are you guessing? The hills of Arkansas? The plains of Kansas? What about Wyoming? I’ll take a hillbilly any day. Yes, rape, murder and child molesting occur there, but that’s not where its predominate……. but you knew that.”
I do know that children molestation is a big problem for the church and priest around the country. All you have to do is turn on the news to see that.
“Brian, this nation, and Great Britain are in dire straits. We have great problems and great struggles ahead of us. As you point out, the politicians we send to Washington don’t help us. They hurt us. Our government works against us. We have many suffering because of their actions. It angers you, it angers me, it angers just about anyone that has given it any thought. Racially motivated criminals will not help the situation. They harm it greatly. Heck, racially motivated anything works to the detriment of an integrated society.
We are getting to a point where things will be decided. Our metal as nations will be tested. Our metal as people will be tested. We will either break and melt away, or we will be refined and shine like silver with the dross separated. Currently, we have the luxury of waiting and deciding where we want to be when history calls. Soon, that too, will be taken from us. Brian, it is easy to feel helpless. It’s harder to recognize that you and I (all of us) as individuals bare the responsibility of not only doing what is right, but showing what is right. And, if necessary, insisting on what is right. (It shouldn’t be necessary for us to so.)”
It starts at the very top. When you have a nation of millions people you need strong leadership. That’s not happening anytime soon and I’m not seeing anyone that has those capabilities right now. And I am acting responsibly… For one, I’m not having children in a time where society is collapsing and population is out of control. I’ve never been to prison, and since I haven’t voted, the mistakes of the George Bushes and Obama’s aren’t on my head.
Is it responsible to sit and do nothing? As long as the government don’t really have to suffer for their lack of action they will continue on course They’ll continue to play games with people’s lives like they have with the debt ceiling crisis. The US is losing creditability with other countries and that’s not happening because of urban youth and black people… It’s happening because our leadership has become a joke. And why is it going to change when the American people will continue to put up with it?
To add to what I said… You don’t have much to worry about James… Things will be “business as usual” for a while… Everyone but the rich will continue to be worse and worse off and people will do nothing about it. People will continue to sit around and HOPE it just gets better. But it won’t…. Unless we run blacks out of America that is.
“Marijuana is far less harmful to this country than Alcohol.”
Lol, that is one of the best strawman arguments yet! So, when you say “drugs” you were specifically and only referring to pot? You say far less harmful…… I doubt you can reasonably prove that, but I never said it wasn’t.
“It starts at the very top…… I am acting responsible….and since I haven’t voted…..Is it responsible to sit and do nothing?
No, it doesn’t. It starts with the individual. It starts with personal responsibility and morality. The reason why this nation is in such a mess is because people refuse their personal responsibilities…….. it’s much easier to blame other people for our problems and expect someone else to fix what we perceive as wrong. But that’s not how it works in a nation built on the concept of Liberty. When people have freedom, the onus is upon the individual to exercise it properly, not the leadership.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ———– John Adams. You should take the time and consider what this means. BTW, congratulations on staying out of prison and abstaining from reproducing. You ask if it is responsible to do nothing…… seems to me that’s exactly what you’re doing…..nothing. As to our credibility to other nations…… I don’t give a flying f…..rat’s ass about what other countries think of us. And that is a ridiculous thing to bring up in this discussion. “….urban youth and black people.” What was it in our discussion that made you decide it was necessary to mention a specific race of people? My arguments make no distinction as to race. It isn’t relevant. But thanks for the baiting.
“It’s happening because our leadership has become a joke.”
Yeh, you’ll have that occur when you have a bunch of whinebags that refuse to engage in the political process but believe rioting, looting, murder and mayhem is a legitimate form of protest and redress. Refer back to the Adams quote for clarity.
Lastly, you last statement is something else that defies logic. The rich people aren’t taking anything from you. Quit expecting them to give you something you haven’t earned. They won’t. No one will. “Business as usual…” I take it by that you believe me and the rest here are advocates of the status quo……. you really should pay attention a bit closer.
What I find really interesting is the amazing duplicity of people such as yourself. Just a week ago, this nation had a choice to make. The path was clear. We could either engage in fiscal sanity or continue down the same path we’ve been going for the last several decades. Many people of this nation sent new people to congress specifically for this issue in the hopes of bringing about significant change in this nation. They were demonized. The defenders of the status quo prevailed. It seems fear of actually having to do for ourselves overwhelmed the majority of the people, and we decided we couldn’t do without our nanny government. The very one you believe is harming us. We as a nation decided not to limit its power nor spending authority. I wonder Brian, where did you stand in the debate? Did you write or call your congressman? Do you know who your congressman is? How is it that people can hate our government but wish our government to continue to wield unlimited power and authority? I really wish people would think about such things before deciding to listen to the talking heads of whatever programing they listen to or watch.
“Lol, that is one of the best strawman arguments yet! So, when you say “drugs” you were specifically and only referring to pot? You say far less harmful…… I doubt you can reasonably prove that, but I never said it wasn’t.”
A repost of the links I provided you with in a post above.
“No, it doesn’t. It starts with the individual. It starts with personal responsibility and morality. The reason why this nation is in such a mess is because people refuse their personal responsibilities…….. it’s much easier to blame other people for our problems and expect someone else to fix what we perceive as wrong. But that’s not how it works in a nation built on the concept of Liberty. When people have freedom, the onus is upon the individual to exercise it properly, not the leadership.”
People can’t pay the bills if jobs are being cut or aren’t being created. The unemployment rate is only going to increase. But I guess according to you, everyone that doesn’t have a job simply doesn’t want to work. Yeah, they’re are highly qualified people that are out of jobs that could probably work at McDonald’s… But McDonald’s don’t pay the bills. Which is why they’re jobs for youth.
And if you have to work 3 petty jobs to make ends meet… Well, life isn’t much worth living. If you spend all your life just working to get by… Well, you’re not living for much. My dad is the perfect example. He worked 40 years at the same job, but then he becomes a bitter old man because he spent his life working just to make ends meet. That seems to happen pretty often with the older generations.
You ask if it is responsible to do nothing…… seems to me that’s exactly what you’re doing…..nothing. As to our credibility to other nations…… I don’t give a flying f…..rat’s ass about what other countries think of us. And that is a ridiculous thing to bring up in this discussion. “….urban youth and black people.” What was it in our discussion that made you decide it was necessary to mention a specific race of people? My arguments make no distinction as to race. It isn’t relevant. But thanks for the baiting.
It’s not going to matter until people get tired of the current predicament the US is in. The current government needs to be overthrown. A large enough number of people have to get become upset enough for anything to be done about it. It will happen sooner or later… When the middle class starts ending up on the streets. But hey, people should just be able to create jobs out of thin air or work 3 shitty jobs just to make ends meet. Sorry, but that’s a shitty life.
And I could have sworn that’s what the title article was about. RACE. If you’re not one of those that just blames black america like a lot of people are doing, hats off to you. But I see/hear it so often that I’ve come to expect whit Americans to feel that way.
Yeh, you’ll have that occur when you have a bunch of whinebags that refuse to engage in the political process but believe rioting, looting, murder and mayhem is a legitimate form of protest and redress. Refer back to the Adams quote for clarity.
Lastly, you last statement is something else that defies logic. The rich people aren’t taking anything from you. Quit expecting them to give you something you haven’t earned. They won’t. No one will. “Business as usual…” I take it by that you believe me and the rest here are advocates of the status quo……. you really should pay attention a bit closer.
What I find really interesting is the amazing duplicity of people such as yourself. Just a week ago, this nation had a choice to make. The path was clear. We could either engage in fiscal sanity or continue down the same path we’ve been going for the last several decades. Many people of this nation sent new people to congress specifically for this issue in the hopes of bringing about significant change in this nation. They were demonized. The defenders of the status quo prevailed. It seems fear of actually having to do for ourselves overwhelmed the majority of the people, and we decided we couldn’t do without our nanny government. The very one you believe is harming us. We as a nation decided not to limit its power nor spending authority. I wonder Brian, where did you stand in the debate? Did you write or call your congressman? Do you know who your congressman is? How is it that people can hate our government but wish our government to continue to wield unlimited power and authority? I really wish people would think about such things before deciding to listen to the talking heads of whatever programing they listen to or watch.
0bviously spending needs to be controlled, but I’m not interested in seeing Social Security whipped out. I don’t want to see my dad with basically no income.
I’d also like for us to stop invading other countries.
“0bviously spending needs to be controlled, but I’m not interested in seeing Social Security whipped out. I don’t want to see my dad with basically no income”.
*Wiped out*
Sorry for my all the errors. I need to pay more attention to what I’m typing before I hit the reply button.
Brian, you do realize that without cutting their spending ability, they will continue to raid Social Security. ….. it is congressional spending that got SS in the trouble that it is in. That and the expansion of the Social Security mandate. We now include giving benefits to people who have never paid into the system.
We have to quit spending to ensure the solvency of the programs like Social Security. Cuts may be required, but they certainly will be required if spending continues….. and it will. So, good for your dad, bad for the dads that follow…..
As to your links about alcohol and pot…. don’t tell me pot is less addictive…. it isn’t. They don’t call it chronic for nothing. BTW, I’m speaking to you from experience of both, not some advocacy site. I’ll keep my beer, thank you very much. Brian, personally, I could care less if people want to waste their life away on the stuff. Its their choice…. now, as to heroin, crack, meth and the like…… it just destroys so much more than the person using. I’m been to places where people would sell themselves to whatever person had the junk for any purpose desired. It is impossible for a free society to exist in conditions such as that.
You complain about jobs…… that’s beautiful…… but you bitch about the rich…… have you ever gotten a job from a poor person? Jobs are easy to create. You get the govt. out of the way. This has been shown several times throughout this nation’s history. If you want plentiful jobs available, you should advocate less interference by our govt. Remember the moratorium on off-shore drilling? Well, that cost jobs, and increased our energy prices all at the same time. Which cost additional jobs. An energy company in Kansas wants to build a coal plant. It amounts to a $4 billion investment….. it would create meaningful well paying jobs and lower energy costs…… govt is blocking it.(Along with the Sierra Club) All across this nation this is happening……. you’re mad about jobs? Go look in a mirror for one of the people to blame.
Investment in this nation? Not when we can’t show that we’d be responsible with our money. China’s upset with us because they hold a couple of $trillion in bonds and we keep printing money making the crap worthless…… so we’re not going to get any jobs from that area of investment…. again…. look in the mirror. Jobs are easy….. get the government out of the way.
@Brian: “I’ve never voted in my life”
If you can’t be bothered to get off your ass and vote, then you get the government you deserve. I have no time or respect for people who don’t vote, then bitch about the “system”.
“and since I haven’t voted, the mistakes of the George Bushes and Obama’s aren’t on my head”
What a cop-out. You sound like Pontius Pilate when he asked for a bowl of water to wash his hands in.
There is nobody to vote for. I’m 30 years old and so…. Since I’ve become able to vote, there hasn’t been anybody worthy of voting for. I admit I wouldn’t vote for Gore just like I wouldn’t vote for Bush. I sure as hell wouldn’t vote for McCain for his second term because Palin was his running mate and number 2… It’s obvious how desperate he was to win presidency. Even to the point of switching sides. Somebody with that level of desperation is a red flag to me.
There probably isn’t going to be anyone to vote for this go around either. I’m not voting for religious nutbags like Palin and Bachmann… The latter of which doesn’t even look like a sane woman. She was willing to reject raising the debit celling regardless of the deal. So we know she lacks the ability to do what’s best for the people.
“She was willing to reject raising the debit celling regardless of the deal. So we know she lacks the ability to do what’s best for the people.”
Yes, principled stands is seen much too often in D.C……..
Read the last para…..
She also believes she and her husband can turn gay people into straight people. This woman could be way more scary than George Bush even. At least he is sane. lol.
You don’t believe gay people can turn straight?
I don’t believe you can pray and turn straight. I believe some people might try to hide being gay because of the problems gay’s face. Usually when I hear about gay people “turning straight” it’s related to religion. Religion can only mask these things for so long. It’s like all these Priest that end up getting bused as child molesters. Most of them probably became Priest so that they could get rid of their desires or repress them. Obviously it only works for so long.
@Brian: “It’s like all these Priest that end up getting bused as child molesters”
Young people are far more likely to get sexually abused by a teacher than a priest:
“Most of them probably became Priest so that they could get rid of their desires or repress them”
Got a link for that, or are you just grasping at straws?
WASHINGTON, DC, April 1, 2010 ( – In the last several weeks such a quantity of ink has been spilled in newspapers across the globe about the priestly sex abuse scandals, that a casual reader might be forgiven for thinking that Catholic priests are the worst and most common perpetrators of child sex abuse.
Translation: Priest aren’t the worst. So there!
Got a link for that, or are you just grasping at straws?
Personal opinion.
@Brian: “Translation: Priest aren’t the worst. So there!”
From what I have read, the incidence of sexual abuse among priests is about the same as the general population. The link I provided was to put it into context. Priests abusing children (adolescents or otherwise) is a horrible thing, but the media has blown it way out of proportion. They have an axe to grind with the Catholic Church, and they have latched on to this story and flogged it like a dead horse.
“Personal opinion.”
Have you ever considered that maybe some (or many) of those priests who abused children became priests so that they would have easy access to altar boys? The screening process for people like this was woefully inadequate for decades. Thankfully the Church has cracked down on this sort of thing recently. One other thing … most of the abuse cases that the media reports are cases that happened years ago and are only coming to light now; modern cases of abuse are much more rare.
P.S. I appreciate your civility.
@Brian: “There is nobody to vote for”
I have voted in every election possible (I am Canadian, but the quality of candidates isn’t much different). On one occassion when I felt that there was nobody to vote for, I spoiled my ballot and wrote on the ballot WHY I was spoiling it. For me, the democratic right to vote is too precious to simply shrug off.
“I’m not voting for religious nutbags like Palin and Bachmann… The latter of which doesn’t even look like a sane woman”
Funny … you wring your hands over the comments below the article Steve posted (comments that I spoke out against “Just because idiots post racist comments below the article …”), yet you make comments trashing Christians. Do you even realize that your comment is at least ignorant, if not bigoted? It suggests to me a certain level of hatred. If so, why?
Skin color is not a choice. Religion is. And not all Christians are nuts… But you got a woman here who thinks she can actually “cure” gays. It’s hilarious and sad at the same time.
Not voting is a choice too, you ignorant boob .
You justify rioters and villify pot smokers.
So indoctrinated into hating religious people and anyone you figure is a “hillbilly”,
that you don’t even realize what a hate-filled creep, you seem to be.. .
Not voting is a choice too, you ignorant boob .
You justify rioters and vilify pot smokers.
So indoctrinated into hating religious people and anyone you figure is a “hillbilly”,
that you don’t even realize what a hate-filled creep, you seem to be..”
Sorry that it offends you that I need somebody decent to vote for before I actually do it. And I’m the one arguing that Marijuana SHOULD be legal because hell…. It’s less of a problem than Alcohol you dufus. I’m not vilifying it.
Ok, then Brian,
Assuming that you didn’t have to vote for the people who are actually on the ballot ( and you don’t you know) is there anyone that you would consider voting for for any position whatsoever ?
I am interested.
Don’t you think that some villains are worth going out to vote against ?
Really when you do that “hillbilly” thing and the “Bachmann is crazy” thing, makes you sound like an Obama voter.
Look at the song “Cult of Personality” by Living Colour. That’s Obama.
So, no… I wouldn’t vote for Obama. I might would have considered voting for McCain had he picked a better running mate.
“Look at the song “Cult of Personality” by Living Colour. That’s Obama.”
Got that one spot on Brian.
There is hope for you .
I liked Mrs. Palin. So I had no compunctions about casting my vote.
Oh and…
““lol, waaa,…. life’s tough!!!! The man is keeping me down!!! I want to smoke my pot!!!!
Grow a pair, quit smoking that stuff, understand that you don’t need to go to college to educate yourself, and most importantly, realize that its on you!”
I’m sorry. I took the above as a villification of pot smokers ( regardless of your views on MJ v. alcohol)
“Brian, you do realize that without cutting their spending ability, they will continue to raid Social Security. ….. it is congressional spending that got SS in the trouble that it is in. That and the expansion of the Social Security mandate. We now include giving benefits to people who have never paid into the system.”
Like I said, I’m opening to cutting some fat off because I do believe most people realize that spending is getting out control. I understand there is lots of misinformation out there and perhaps I get caught up in some of it. But I hope we don’t get to a point to where our elders can no longer get their checks. But I also said that it’s time to stop invading other countries.
“As to your links about alcohol and pot…. don’t tell me pot is less addictive…. it isn’t. They don’t call it chronic for nothing. BTW, I’m speaking to you from experience of both, not some advocacy site. I’ll keep my beer, thank you very much. Brian, personally, I could care less if people want to waste their life away on the stuff. Its their choice…. now, as to heroin, crack, meth and the like…… it just destroys so much more than the person using. I’m been to places where people would sell themselves to whatever person had the junk for any purpose desired. It is impossible for a free society to exist in conditions such as that.
My dad is one of those heavy drinkers and lost a leg because of it. I mean, it’s what actually lead to his retirement… But at 68 he was about to retire anyway.. I’ve seen what alcohol can do. The helplessness I’ve felt over his addiction his addiction… And here we have commercials promoting it time and time again. It makes me sick. And yeah, I know…. It’s his fault for not addressing it until it was almost too late. But that provided no comfort for my mom who had a nervous breakdown because she couldn’t control or stop him.
And yes, I’ve had far less experience in regards to drugs… But the links seem to back up my suspicions. Not to say that it doesn’t have it’s downfalls… But if Marijuana can’t be legal, Beer shouldn’t either.
You complain about jobs…… that’s beautiful…… but you bitch about the rich…… have you ever gotten a job from a poor person? Jobs are easy to create. You get the govt. out of the way. This has been shown several times throughout this nation’s history. If you want plentiful jobs available, you should advocate less interference by our govt. Remember the moratorium on off-shore drilling? Well, that cost jobs, and increased our energy prices all at the same time. Which cost additional jobs. An energy company in Kansas wants to build a coal plant. It amounts to a $4 billion investment….. it would create meaningful well paying jobs and lower energy costs…… govt is blocking it.(Along with the Sierra Club) All across this nation this is happening……. you’re mad about jobs? Go look in a mirror for one of the people to blame.
I’ll make it clear that I’m not looking positive at Dems or Republicans… My belief is that corruption has grown as time has progressed and it’s going to be hard to get any improvements. Money corrupts. It always has and always will… But it’s probably corrupted more now than ever before. We have illegals getting jobs that others should be getting because they’ll work cheaper. Yes, we need Rich people for jobs… But we also need lawyers sometimes. It doesn’t make them noble though.
Investment in this nation? Not when we can’t show that we’d be responsible with our money. China’s upset with us because they hold a couple of $trillion in bonds and we keep printing money making the crap worthless…… so we’re not going to get any jobs from that area of investment…. again…. look in the mirror. Jobs are easy….. get the government out of the way.
I blame both parties and the line that blames both sides is increasing.
One thing we seem to agree on is that we don’t like the government very much.
Brian, you do realize the total disconnect, don’t you?
Clinton was the best president we ever had – while the Republicans controlled both houses….
Bush was the worst president we ever had – while the Democrats controlled both houses with a super majority
The Democrats have never passed a budget, something that they are required to do by law. It’s impossible to balance a non-existent budget…………..
Some fair points Latitude.
The Bush run really left a sour taste in my mouth. The start of his run was right when I was hitting 20, so that time sticks out to me the most. I also think Dick Cheney was a douchebag and we where coming off of a good Clinton run (Not counting the Monica thing of course) and it really soured me on the republican party. I’m not a democrat by any means… I’m not pro abortion or anti guns.
Brian says:
August 11, 2011 at 10:02 pm
Look at the song “Cult of Personality” by Living Colour. That’s Obama.
So, no… I wouldn’t vote for Obama. I might would have considered voting for McCain had he picked a better running mate.
Here’s a twist for you……
…I truly believe that things would be a lot worse if McCain had won.
McCain would have “reached across the aisle” and we would have Cap and Trade, ObamaCare, bank/union/Wallstreet bailouts…everything we have now – and more
McCain is not polarizing enough, and Obama is.
With McCain we would not have the Tea Party, the back to small government conservatives, the backlash from “we have to hurry up and pass it, so you can read what’s in it”……..
….with McCain we would have just rolled over and taken it
Sadly that is pretty much true.
Lat has made some good points tonight. And honestly, I’m ready to move on. Atleast things remained civil for the most part.