2000 : 97% Of Scientists Agree That America Will Evaporate

Celebrating three decades of science run by the severely mentally impaired.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 2000 : 97% Of Scientists Agree That America Will Evaporate

  1. tckev says:

    A special by Richard Mott from World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the guys that run the IPCC.

  2. Shooter says:

    “Human caused climate change” – Hoo boy. I always wanted to ask a warmist: How can you tell the difference between natural climate change and human-induced climate change?

    Warmist: Co2 levels are rising because of us, and we’re warming the planet. We’re acidifying the oceans, etc.
    Sceptic: Yes, but didn’t that happen during the Precambrian Era, when there were no humans?
    Warmist: …Uh…no…?
    Sceptic: You don’t know? Why is it that you call us “deniers” when you know absolutely nothing about Earth’s climate? Don’t you know the Snowball period, the Jurassic period? Co2 levels then were 7,000 ppm, and Co2 levels don’t get toxic until at least 50,000 ppm.
    Sceptic: What?

    • ilma630 says:

      Warmist: But 97% of all scientists agree.
      Sceptic: Oh, the 97% of 75 scientists from the 3,000+ who responded to a 2 question survey on belief?
      Warmist: But the vast majority of scientists DO agree!
      Sceptic: Including the 30,000 or so who signed a petition *against* the Kyoto Protocol?
      Warmist: But they don’t count. The greenhouse gas science has been settled for over 200 years.
      Sceptic: Apart from all the recent experiments that provided observational data that CO2 doesn’t cause warming, and the recent Cloud experiments, and also the satellites, 3000 ocean buoys and 28 million weather balloon radiosondes reading atmospheric, sea and air temperatures that don’t show any warming?
      Warmist: DENIER!!!

  3. gregole says:

    …the study is the work of 300 eminent experts and scientists, aided by the latest state-of-the-art supercomputer modeling, whose conclusions in turn reflect the overwhelming consensus of scientists around the world.

    Warming since 2000 isn’t much to note, much less worry about, much less evaporate America:


    Supercomputers. Consensus. Scientists around the world. What a joke.

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