Daily Archives: April 21, 2012

More Information

What happened at real-science has nothing to do with climate or climate alarmism. It was a violation by a trusted person with access to site admin privileges. Some people have been experiencing IP block for the last week. That is a different issue … Continue reading

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Please Post Correct Information On Real-Science

Big favor to ask. Could everyone who sees this please post comments with the correct information on real-science.com? Thanks much! This is a long story. The work of somebody who isn’t thinking very clearly.

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Real Science Was Hacked

I am fine and will be posting on this site in the future. No doubt this looks like a publicity stunt, but I had nothing to do with it.

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Earth Day In The Capital Of Greenland

Still frozen solid arcticomm_webcam.jpg (1600×1200)

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Arctic Ice Area Approaching Abnormally High Range

In a sure sign of devastating global warming, Arctic ice area is nearly one standard deviation above normal. ssmi1_ice_area.png (1667×1250) Meanwhile, Antarctic ice has been above normal for the entire year. S_timeseries.png (1050×840)

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Earth Day 65 Years Ago : Life Expectancy In Greenland Was 25 Years

20 Apr 1947 – “White Plague of the Aretic 

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