Daily Archives: April 25, 2012

All Comments Now Under Moderation

The hacker is now making posts under other people’s identities. Unfortunately I will have to moderate all comments until this is resolved.

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How Many Angels Can Dance On The Edge Of A Blue Line?

N_stddev_timeseries.png (1050×840)

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Rewriting The History Of The Arctic

NSIDC tells us that the satellite era began in 1979, and they show extent declining steadily during that period. n_plot.png (420×240) This is fascinating, because the 1990 IPCC report told us that the satellite era began in 1972, and that ice extent … Continue reading

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97% Of Religious Activists Believe That Global Warming Is Mann Made

WASHINGTON (AP) — Clergy belonging to a group called Interfaith Moral Action on Climate are urging Congress to enact legislation to combat global warming. Native American, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Bahai, Jewish and Christian activists held a march, worship service and … Continue reading

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1921 – Drought In Europe Approaching A Disaster

21 Jul 1921 – DROUGHT IN EUROPE. LONDON, July 

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David Barber Up To His Old Tricks

David “Rotten Ice” Barber told us a couple of years ago that multi-year ice had disappeared from the Arctic. He is back for another round of Canadian fish stories. MONTREAL — A unique, all-season study of the effects of global … Continue reading

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