Daily Archives: April 26, 2012

Katherine Hayhoe Working To Unseparate Church And State

It’s Holy Week in the Arctic Circle A spiritual dimension to global warming can transform it into one of faith and discipleship. This is demonstrated by the Rev. Dr. Jim Ball, author of “Global Warming and the Risen Lord: Christian … Continue reading

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2008 : Obama Promises 5 Million Green Jobs

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6R0et_IZ7w] I was amazed that anyone voted for this buffoon the first time, but half the country plans to do it again.

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Hendrik’s Dog Suffering From SAD

The endless winter in Greenland has gotten to Torben, and he is now officially suffering from seasonally affected disorder. Hendriks webcam i Tasiilaq

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Shock News : Arctic To Be Ice Free In Five Months

December 12, 2007 Melting in the Arctic is occurring faster than most scientists predicted, according to research presented at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco. Both Greenland and Arctic sea ice are melting at record … Continue reading

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Aggie Joke : Dessler Says Texas Droughts Are Caused By CO2

The worst decade for drought in Texas was the 1950s, which had low CO2 and was dominated by La Nina. Almost all Texas droughts have been associated with La Nina events. CO2 shows no correlation, but La Nina shows almost … Continue reading

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Obama’s Plan For America Revealed

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CZ-4gnNz0vc#!] h/t to Robertvdl

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Internet Inventor Forecast An Ice Free Arctic

1999 ‘I took the initiative in creating the Internet.’ 2009 They’re seeing the complete disappearance of the polar ice caps right before their eyes in just a few years. Al Gore: World will agree new climate deal – Telegraph

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Tough Row To Hoe

Thousands of scientists are employed to create a crescendo of imaginary alarm over a fabricated problem. Government and insurance companies finance this as a mechanism to raise revenues steal from the public. (Even if the problem was real, they couldn’t do anything about it … Continue reading

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NSIDC : Arctic Ice Extent Normal – For The First Time In At Least Seven Years

N_timeseries.png (1050×840) NASA experts say that the Arctic may be ice free this summer. NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than … Continue reading

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1940 : Greenland Glaciers Nearing Catastrophe

06 May 1940 – Greenland’s Climate Becoming Milder According to Hansen, the Arctic is much warmer now than it was in 1940. summit:status:webcam  

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