Daily Archives: April 29, 2012

Nature : Shipwrecking Hansen For 25 Years

“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” – Albert Einstein I just noticed this from 1988. In June, Hansen said that 1988 would “break all records” … Continue reading

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Great Week For European Football

Messi and Ronaldo both missed game winning penalty kicks, while Torres redeemed himself. So why is Abramovich still looking for a new manager? Di Matteo has proved himself as  pure genius.

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World Peace – Suspended

Lakers’ World Peace suspended seven games without pay NEW YORK — Los Angeles Lakers forward Metta World Peace was suspended seven games by the NBA on Tuesday for elbowing James Harden, meaning he could miss at least six playoff games. … Continue reading

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Arctic Ice Extent About The Same As 1974

The map above overlays semitransparent current NSIDC ice (green) on end of April 1974 Nimbus satellite ice (red and yellow.) There is more ice on the Pacific side this year, and there was more ice on the Atlantic side in 1974.

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Alarmists Now Trying To Disown Their High Priest

After clinging to his every word for years, they are now pretending that they never believed him. Lovelock on Global Warming James Lovelock is a ‘big idea’ type, most successful with his Gaia extrapolation (1976), although it certainly is not … Continue reading

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Cryosphere Today Raising The Bar?

Cryosphere Today has so far managed to show Arctic ice just barely below “normal” this month. But there appears to be something wrong with their graphs. The blink comparator above flashes between their 2007 version of the sea ice area graph and … Continue reading

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Hansen Says We Can Avoid 1945 Conditions By Going Back To 1945 Conditions

Hansen says that we must lower CO2 in order to prevent the climatic conditions which we had when CO2 was lower. If this isn’t clear, report for your lobotomy at Hansen’s drowned Manhattan office. 14 Feb 1945 – Britain Worried Over Australia’s Record Drought

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EPA Busted Again Part 2

For most of the 20th century, Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, was known for its boardwalk, amusement park, and wide, sandy beaches, popular with daytrippers from Washington, D.C. “The bathing beach has a frontage of three miles,” boasted a tourist brochure from … Continue reading

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EPA Scientist Demonstrates Why The EPA Can’t Be Trusted

EPA scientist warns Atlantic seaboard will be swallowed by rising seas By Josh Harkinson For most of the 20th century, Chesapeake Beach, Maryland, was known for its boardwalk, amusement park, and wide, sandy beaches, popular with daytrippers from Washington, D.C. … Continue reading

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Hansen : Arctic Reached A Tipping Point Five Years Ago

In order to be a hero of the left, you need to repeatedly demonstrate that you are completely incompetent. By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent OSLO | Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:41pm BST (Reuters) – A record melt of Arctic summer sea ice … Continue reading

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