Daily Archives: April 29, 2012

Hansen : Bangladesh To Drown

BANGLADESH: When your country could drown Sea level rise could sound the death knell for low-lying Bangladesh, most of which is only two to 13 metres above sea level, according to various estimates. The response to Hansen’s paper is therefore … Continue reading

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2000 : 97% Of Scientists Agree That America Will Evaporate

Celebrating three decades of science run by the severely mentally impaired. Rome News-Tribune – Google News Archive Search

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30 Years Of Brain Damage At The EPA And GISS

The Milwaukee Journal – Google News Archive Search

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Hansen : 24 Metres Of Sea Level Rise

When it comes to global warming, extreme scare stories abound. Al Gore, for example, famously claimed that a whopping six metres of sea-level rise would flood major cities around the world. Gore’s scientific advisor, Jim Hansen from NASA, has even … Continue reading

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Julienne Says That The Modern Satellite Record Began In 1979

The Arctic’s rapidly shrinking sea ice cover: a research synthesis Julienne C. Stroeve ·Mark C. Serreze · Marika M. Holland · Jennifer E. Kay · James Malanik ·Andrew P. Barrett Received: 15 February 2011 / Accepted: 22 April 2011 © … Continue reading

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Hansen : Sea Level To Rise One Metre Every Twenty Years

NASA Climatologist Predicts Disastrous Sea Level Rise In an interview on Australian ABC Television program, The 7.30 Report, James Hansen, a prominent NASA climatologist, predicted the liklihood that the earth will pass a tipping point resulting in Sea Level Rise … Continue reading

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Droughtflood Arrives In The UK

York flooded twice in seven days: Despite a drought warning being in force, York city centre is underwater again after the River Ouse burst its banks along the city’s riverside Thought it couldn’t get any worse? A month’s rain to … Continue reading

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Respected Universities Destroying Their Own Reputation

Scientists at Stanford University in California and Purdue University in Indiana say global warming is going to hit hard in Corn Belt states where it most matters — the corn market. The study, financed by the U.S. Department of Energy, … Continue reading

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Sunset On The Rapidly Melting Greenland Ice Sheet

summit:status:webcam Temperatures are now only 58 degrees Fahrenheit below the freezing point.

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