Daily Archives: April 30, 2012

Fox News Interviews A Climate History Expert

Proof global warming isn’t making weather wackier? By Maxim Lott Published April 30, 2012 FoxNews.com Greenhouse gases do much more than just warm the planet, some environmentalists warn: They cause hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts, and even extreme cold spells. Or do they? Steven Goddard, who … Continue reading

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Glasweigian Tutorial


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Kompany Puts It In The Back Of The Net

City on a roll since they chucked Balotelli.

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Shocking Global Warming In Siberia

Ojmjakon, Russia warmed 70 degrees during April! History | Weather Underground

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Sea Level Junk Science In California

April 20, 2012 In the 20th century, the sea level rose on average 8 inches along California’s coastline, research by Climate Central and others shows. Middle-of-the-road expectations are that it will rise 6 to 8 more inches by 2030, 12 … Continue reading

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Wind Farms Cause 7C Warming Per Century

Alarmists claim that over the past century, CO2 has caused temperatures to warm by about 0.7 degrees. A new study shows that wind farms cause ten times as much warming as CO2. Nature Climate Change (2012) doi:10.1038/nclimate1505 Received 02 February 2012 Accepted … Continue reading

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Cambridge University : Arctic Doomed

By Joe Romm on May 13, 2009 Peter Wadhams, head of the polar ocean physics group at the University of Cambridge, “believes the ice, which has been a permanent feature for at least 100,000 years, is now so thin that … Continue reading

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Global Warming Continues On The East Coast

Jeff Masters recently explained that global warming leads to 80 degree weather in March, which he considers extreme. Severe freeze threatens Vermont crop damage Posted on April 27, 2012 by Matt Sutkoski A very hard freeze is due tonight and … Continue reading

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Closeup Of The Arctic Cracking Up Death Spiral Tipping Point

ims_data.jpg (2200×1700)

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