97% Of Religious Activists Believe That Global Warming Is Mann Made

WASHINGTON (AP) — Clergy belonging to a group called Interfaith Moral Action on Climate are urging Congress to enact legislation to combat global warming.

Native American, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu, Bahai, Jewish and Christian activists held a march, worship service and rally Tuesday before heading to Capitol Hill to lobby their elected representatives.

The Rev. Caroll Baltimore, president of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, said he’s convinced humans cause global warming and can work together to stop it if they’re good stewards of God’s Earth.

Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb of Washington D.C. said Congress should enact policies that discourage dependence on fossil fuels. He said, “The light of God is enough to power the Earth many times over our current needs if we only harness it wisely.”

Clergy lobby Congress to combat global warming | WBNS-10TV Columbus, Ohio

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to 97% Of Religious Activists Believe That Global Warming Is Mann Made

  1. Michael D Smith says:

    Is Real-Science.com broken again?

    I see you’re posting over here, so… Are you going back over there? I don’t see an explanation but once again the old site is not updating…. Thanks, Mike S.

  2. Andy LA says:

    I prefer Real-Science.com too, this place is a junk-hole. I hate sites that are hosted on WordPress.com

  3. miked1947 says:

    These people need to understand that Fossil Fuels are the light of God that has been stored in the ground for our use. Why else would it have been stored for all these years if not for humanity to have the energy it now uses to do God’s work. Humanity would not have advanced to the position it is now without the availability of using that fuel.

    The poor fools are blind to the meaning of life and they appear to be following the false profits! 😉
    Pun intended!

  4. ilma630 says:

    God created the earth, and all that is in it, and called it “GOOD”. This includes oil, gas, coal, nuclear etc. To deny God’s judgement on His creation is to deny God himself. Further, God gave man dominion over the earth, another clue that what He created is for our good, so to deny its use is also to disobey God.
    Where do these people at ‘Interfaith Moral Action on Climate’ get their basis from that we shouldn’t be dependent on fossil fuels. We are to be dependent on God and his gifts, which includes fossil fuels. It’s true that he also created the sun, the wind and the waves, so if people want to use these resources, then fine, at their own expense, but they cannot possibly claim that we should not be dependent on the source of energy that God has laid up in store and given us, and that will last for centuries yet (and that’s not including the discoveries that haven’t been made yet).
    They should also understand that God has it in His complete control when the earth will cease, and that there is absolutely nothing that man can do that will change that, e.g. emitting CO2 from burning fossil fuels. To deny that is to completely misunderstand and misrepresent God.

  5. ilma630 says:

    Further… they say “The light of God is enough to power the Earth many times over our current needs if we only harness it wisely.” To harness it wisely means harnessing it economically. If we force bankrupting costs via solar power (and haven’t so many solar companies gone bankrupt) is to deprive others of that monetary resource that could have gone towards real jobs, healthcare or reliable power generation. The money spent on solar (and wind) has most certainly NOT been wise!

  6. Robertvdl says:

    As of today no power for churches, mosques and other prayer houses. The light and heat of God should be enough.

  7. Scott says:

    Steve! Very urgent! I did NOT write the above. Someone (from the hacking) must be writing under my (and presumably others’) name(s)!

    Please respond to this to let me know you got this message!

    -Scott (for real)

  8. klem says:

    Religious activists. Wait a minute, isn’t it supposed to be 97% of climate scientists believe global warming was Mann made?

    Oh I get it, the terms ‘climate scientist’ and ‘religious activist’ are interchangeable terms now. I didn’t know that before, thanks Steven G. You’ve opened my eyes again.


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