All Comments Now Under Moderation

The hacker is now making posts under other people’s identities. Unfortunately I will have to moderate all comments until this is resolved.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to All Comments Now Under Moderation

  1. kbray in california says:

    Please post the name, address, phone number, and email of the offender.

  2. kbray in california says:


    “Playing a joke” on you is one thing, but impersonating other people online is whole different ballgame…

  3. kbray in california says:


    It looks like your hacker needs to get a phone call from the authorities to inform him/her that impersonating others online is a crime.

  4. gwlear100consumer says:

    A typical tactic of warmegedisnests and Doomotoligests

  5. philjourdan says:

    No problem. Just keeping biking! And posting!

  6. A. C. Osborn says:

    Steve, you really know that you are making an impact when they have to Hack your forum.
    I hope you have a backup of all your historic data, it is the best answer to the histrionics of the current warmists I have ever seen.

  7. slimething says:

    You may need to have have everyone register. If they were using a bogus email address previously, they couldn’t register. If the hacker(s) attempt to register using legitimate posters name but use an email address normally used by that poster, reject it.

    yeah, its a pain, but may be necessary to protect this fine blog from ruin.

    • Pops says:

      I agree with you, slimething (if that’s your real name). There is a facebook/twitter/wordpress log-in feature already so it just needs to be made compulsory; that, or a simple name and e-mail registration. Anyone with anything worthwhile to say won’t mind taking an extra couple of seconds to make their comment.

  8. slimething says:

    oops, that should say “use an an email not normally used”

  9. tckev says:

    Hi Steve,
    You appear to be a real WordPress site here, and it just so happens that this site has a special on Top 5 WordPress Vulnerabilities and How to Fix Them. It’s here –

  10. John B., M.D. says:

    Steve – I hope you solve the problems from the hacking. If you know the person, why is it so difficult? Please keep us informed. I did get and repond to your personal email. No, I don’t write any posts (nor was I aware guests could write posts; if so, you could moderate those too).

    Could you post on Svensmark’s recent astrobiology research paper on supernovae? I find it fascinating, elegant, and one that stimulates future research, in contrast to “the science is settled” and “consensus” of AGW theory which stifles future research and shuts down debate. It will take decades of research to support or refute Svensmark’s ideas. That’s REAL SCIENCE.

  11. kbray in california says:


    Some of my comments are personal to you.
    Post or delete them as you like.
    It’s all good.

  12. miked1947 says:

    From what I have learned, by using a WordPress account, no one else can log into your account to post. That is what changed my name when you came back to wordpress. WordPress was giving me fits and would not let me use my old name as it was not unique and to display my pet I needed a unique name for the location of the Icon.
    On a few other sites some individuals would post under my name as hose sites allowed multiple users with the same name. That was one reason to post with an Icon.

    • philjourdan says:

      WordPress has added GMAIL and YAHOO Mail to its list of “trusted” logins. It just happened a few weeks ago. I do not have a wordpress account, and was logging in as a guest until about the first of April when it decided that since I had a Yahoo account, I had to sign in, not post as a guest.

      You can create a yahoo or gmail account and then label it whatever you want. And that is what is displayed (I do not know what is shown on the back side).

      • miked1947 says:

        I have a Yahoo account that my pet is attached to.
        Anyone attempting to post as me would have to hack my Yahoo account.

  13. lanceap says:

    A necessary evil I guess….hopefully this will pass…

  14. Michael D Smith says:

    You are way too nice.

  15. Casper says:

    Steve, do what you think is right to do, and keep going 😉

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