Arctic Ice Extent About The Same As 1974

The map above overlays semitransparent current NSIDC ice (green) on end of April 1974 Nimbus satellite ice (red and yellow.) There is more ice on the Pacific side this year, and there was more ice on the Atlantic side in 1974.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Arctic Ice Extent About The Same As 1974

  1. Andy DC says:

    Little if any change in nearly 40 years. Where is the catastrophic warming? Where’s the beef? Yet they have successfully brainwashed a huge number of people. That is the scary part, not the warming.

  2. SS says:

    Cold PDO = more ice on Pacific side…warm AMO = less ice on the Atlantic side. When the AMO goes negative…oh boy…I wonder what’ll happen then. MOAR ice!

  3. Sparks says:

    “Arctic Ice Extent About The Same As 1974”
    Not really, Arctic Ice measurements have made advancements.

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