Canadian Businesses Are Unprepared For Nice Weather

Author is worried that a longer growing season and less severe winters would be devastating to Canada’s economy.

OTTAWA — Canadian businesses are putting their bottom line and the country’s economic health at risk by neglecting to prepare for anticipated impacts of a changing climate, says a new report released Friday by a federal government-funded advisory panel.

The study, produced by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, says that securities regulators also have a role to play in requiring better information from businesses for the public and investors.

“Despite guidance to the effect already issued by the Canadian Securities Administrators, climate change risk disclosure in financial filings is limited, at best,” said the report, entitled Facing the Elements: Business resilience in a changing climate. “Better enforcement of disclosure requirements is necessary, as are effective approaches for companies to demonstrate the value of climate change risk management and adaptation actions to investors.”

Canadian businesses unprepared for global warming, panel says

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Canadian Businesses Are Unprepared For Nice Weather

  1. mitchel44 says:

    Enjoy their last gasp for breath, they’ve been defunded by the federal government.

    Better late than never!

  2. Andy DC says:

    That is all businesses need in this weak economy, being forced to spend more time and mony on frivolous BS.

  3. Andy DC says:

    “money” I am not awake yet.

  4. klem says:

    “produced by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy,”

    Thats all you need to know right there. Last year they said that climate change would cost Canada $5 billion a year by 2020. They actually thought that was alot of money!

    Man its’ true, greenies are terrible at math. I can imagine these people sitting around a table, wearing Birkenstocks and eating tofu salads, and trying to figure out some numbers with a calculater. Lol!

  5. tckev says:

    “National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, says that securities regulators also have a role to play in requiring better information from businesses for the public and investors.”

    Usual code for ‘we can’t do the nasty work so we’ll make someone else into our police force”

  6. Curt says:

    But think of the devastation to the Canadian economy from reduced heating bills. Companies must plan for this!!!

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