Cold Arctic Air Causing Slow Arctic Melt

Hansen says that the Arctic is the fastest warming place on Earth.  Dozens of other places are also the fastest warming place on Earth, but the Arctic is particularly important because Hansen has almost no thermometers there.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Cold Arctic Air Causing Slow Arctic Melt

  1. roger says:

    From Aviemore , Scotland
    Last Updated on: 28/04/2012 10:40
    OUR CAR PARKS ARE NOW FULL. The number 31 bus brings you up here, it leaves Aviemore at 10 minutes past the hour, every hour.


    Top station weather – 6cm of fresh snow overnight, Temperature -5C, Minimal wind 5mph NNE. Fantastic conditions up here today with superb snow quality and sunshine!! Doesn’t get much better than this!

  2. Andy DC says:

    Remember all the hype about the doomed Scottish ski industry? Even in very late April, it is anything but doomed.

    • Jimbo says:

      They spoke too soon.

      Today, Warmists are petrified of what they are witnessing. Arctic currently at very near normal for this time of the year. Global mean temp stall for over a decade Polar bears fine. Antarctica, doing great, snopack average (no trend), Global sea ice normal and so on. Some of them are secretly wondering whether it was just a natural cycle afterall.

      I hear wailing and gnashing of teeth 🙂

  3. tckev says:

    Maybe ski resort opening and closing season is a more accurate proxy for what the global temperatures are doing!

  4. jennyc says:

    Re Aviemore, Scotland-their website also says “It has now been snowing heavily for the last 72 hours above 700m with snow falling for the past 10 days on the upper mountain”. I live outside Inverness which is 1/2hour drive from Aviemore.On my way to work last night I was driving through heavy sleet/snow which was falling below the 200m mark.There was also a white frost overnight at this level.
    It has been anything but warm the past couple of weeks,with central heating,and jumpers the order of the day!!!

  5. Mike Mangan says:

    Who is Richard Garwin and why is he claiming to be the new owner of

    I’m guessing Steve’s at another soccer game and his crazy hacker is back. Seems like an annoying lunatic.

  6. dmmcmah says:

    Dave Thomas of New Mexico Tech is on 770 KOB Radio talk show right now saying scientists uniformly agree human emissions cause global warming and that solar activity and global temperature started diverging in 1960! Must be more peyote hits.

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