Democrats Brought A New Direction To America

Unemployment – Google Public Data Explorer

Unemployment is now double what it was when Obama and his fellow Democrats took control of Congress in 2007.

Democrats win House, promise new direction
POSTED: 6:05 p.m. EST, November 8, 2006

(CNN) — Democrats promised Wednesday to lead the country in a new direction after winning control of the House for the first time in 12 years in midterm elections.

By early Wednesday, Democrats had picked up at least 29 seats; they needed 15 to capture a majority in the House. Two Democratic seats in Georgia that were targeted by Republicans remained too close to call.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-California, is now poised to become the first female speaker of the House.

Pelosi promised to lead the nation in a new direction “in partnership, not in partisanship.”

Democrats win House, promise new direction –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Democrats Brought A New Direction To America

  1. Latitude says:

    I don’t know why people do not call him on this….
    Obama keeps saying he’s inherited this economy…
    ….He inherited it from Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Kerry, Dean, etc

    • Why blame Pelosi? Obama was right there too in 2007.

      • Latitude says:

        dang good point…..I keep forgetting that

      • DERise says:

        I would blame Pelosi, Ried etc. vice Obama in congress because they were leadership, all Obama did was vote present in the Senate (if he was there at all) and showed no leadership skills. No, Obama saved his special talants for the White House where he can rule by executive fiat and show his real (lack of) leadership talant.

  2. Dave G says:

    kind of looks like another stick we know

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    Unbelievable the deceptive Orwellian double talk of these extreme left politicians.
    Like Nancy says her reign will be of “partnership, not partisanship.” Right! And from the first moment I saw Barack Hussein Obama I knew he would be the Mother of all Dividers, not a unifier, not someone who would “bring people together.” What a mother hefer in that he has turned everyone bitterly against each other.
    Or on energy O calls it an “all of the above” strategy, where instead it’s “none of the above,” as across the board he has fought energy production, ending construction of new coal power plants, shutting down existing coal plants, not permitting oil drilling wherever he can stop it, no to the keystone pipeline, no to oil shale and a ‘crucifixion’ campaign against fracking. Not to mention his advocacy of the insane cap & trade scheme that would have decimated energy production. Incredible.
    O said: “We’ve got to continue the hard, sustained work on [the energy] issue…” More accurately, he’s working hard to drastically cut energy production, as called for by climate change proponents.

  4. suyts says:

    Steve, maybe you should also mark the point in time when Repubs took over the House.

  5. lanceap says:

    Corrolation is not necessarily causation, BUT we have a Concensus!!! /sarc off just in case….

  6. DC Andy says:

    We went from surpluses to massive deficits during the years 2001 to 2007 when the Republicans controlled both Congress and the Presidency. They are better with environmental/energy issues, but the Republicans are not blameless for the crash of 2008 and the mess we now are in. After all, they have controlled Congress for 14 of the last 18 years and the Presidency for 20 of the last 32 years.

    • Tourist in Chief says:

      Yes, they have responsibility also…. but the devastation of the RE bubble was signed into law late in the Clinton years. Glass/Steagal repeal/steroids for the CRA. It took ten years to take its toll.

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