Ehrlich Says He Was Correct And Worldwide Communism Is Needed

“Most of the predictions [in Population Bomb] have proved correct.”

The world’s most renowned population analyst has called for a massive reduction in the number of humans and for natural resources to be redistributed from the rich to the poor.

Cut world population and redistribute resources, expert urges | Environment |

This is surprising, because we have all been dead since the 1970s.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Ehrlich Says He Was Correct And Worldwide Communism Is Needed

  1. Andy DC says:

    The first thing required will be gulags for dangerous people, like climate skeptics or anyone else resistant to brainwashing.

  2. Owen says:

    if Ehrlich believes there are too many people on the planet, he should lead by example and kill himself. But he won’t. Ecofascists always want to kill everyone but themselves.

  3. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    I haven’t been to Delhi but I have been to Mumbai and i have to agree with Erlich on one point: that there are far too many people crammed into Indian cities. What a wretched life these people must lead.

    • DirkH says:

      Why do people in India or in Nigeria leave the countryside and go into the Favelas or ghettos of the big cities?
      Because life is better for them there, believe it or not.
      They have electricity – at least part of the time.
      There’s a hospital in reachable distance.
      There are schools for their kids.
      And most importantly, there are jobs, even if only menial ones.

  4. Sundance says:

    Will Americans ever wake up to the reality that we have a bunch of Mathusian douchebags in power? A once great nation that led the world in demonstarting exceptionalism is now goveling for forgiveness for not being a bunch of Malthusian douchebags like the socialist that have infected Europe. What a shame that Americans have become willing to trade that exceptionalism for a chance to be turned into government funded whores by a corrupt government. I doubt that even the anti-American MSM that embraces the government whoring of Americans couldn’t supress a message of a return to American exceptionalism. 🙂

  5. Marc Blank says:

    At least he sterilized himself, an action that cannot fail to improve the gene pool.

  6. suyts says:

    That lunatic! World food supply has done nothing but increase since his idiotic proclamations.

  7. gregole says:

    We are clearly on the Highway to Hell.

  8. tckev says:

    With our understanding of nature we have thrived, with natures connivance we have done many great things, and discovered so much. Humans are a part of nature. Dr. Ehrlich ideas that seem to indicate that mankind is against nature, IMHO mankind is not.
    We are however the best animals to understand what nature has done, if only we took time to study it correctly, we seem inappropriately gifted to try to know what nature will do next.

  9. Andy DC says:

    We have not had any type of real crop disaster since the 1980’s and no repeated disasters since the 1930’s. You look at world grain supplies and there isn’t much room for error. I am worried that we may be a Dust Bowl drought away from massive famine. We have done OK up until now, but it still may be a wise idea to keep population under control.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Ok, and I can’t disagree, but you sound like Ehrlich’s sidekick! The critical point, though, is the last thing we want to do is start iron-chaining our economies, and decimating energy production because of agw. When economies tumble, and productivity is further slashed because of diminished energy resources, famine and disease are likely in the works. (Of course, the green leftists are going to be happy with that.)
      And get away from costly green energy. What isn’t economically productive is going to hurt, and make famine more likely. Stick to what works, and what is cost-effective, because our resources are limited.

      • Andy DC says:

        I agree with everything you say, except for being Ehrlich’s sidekick! My point is that given world grain supplies as I read them, we are living on the edge and only one or two crop failures away from serious problems. We haven’t had a serious crop failure in the US since 1988 and our good fortune might not last forever. In the 1930s we had 3 or 4 in six years and the thought of a repeat is scary. Maybe higher CO2 has made weather better and crops better!

    • suyts says:

      Andy, population controls itself by increasing wealth. So, the way to control population is to increase economic activity. I’d go into lengthy explanations as to why poorer peoples have so many children as opposed to people of first world nations, but you probably already know all of this. So, I’ll just state, education, labor, availability. One follows the other. Once these are provided, population is self limiting.

      • Eric Simpson says:

        Right. The radical greens oppose food aid and even malaria abatement to impoverished countries, on the grounds that nature needs to take its course, and reduce the population (like humans are rodents). The problem, disease and starvation simply wreak havoc and prevent the type of stability that would foster lower birth rates.

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