Fox News Interviews A Climate History Expert

Proof global warming isn’t making weather wackier?
By Maxim Lott
Published April 30, 2012

Greenhouse gases do much more than just warm the planet, some environmentalists warn: They cause hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts, and even extreme cold spells. Or do they?

Steven Goddard, who runs the skeptical climate blog Real Science and has a background in geology and computer science, has spent thousands of hours studying bad weather events around the world.

He found that the weather was wilder and weirder in the past than it is today.

Read on at  proof-global-warming-isnt-making-weather-wackier

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Fox News Interviews A Climate History Expert

  1. Shooter says:

    Woo-hoo! Way to go Steven 😀

  2. nigelf says:

    You da man!

  3. Latitude says:

    Who’s Steven Goddard?….never heard of him…….

    LOL………..congrats!!!! you have arrived big boy

  4. DirkH says:

    Very nice.

  5. tckev says:

    Congratulations, about time.
    One problem I can see coming – with all the extra publicity, people may go to your old real-science website and meet with who knows what. Hopefully they are persistent and find their way here.

  6. suyts says:

    Steve, congrats! With all of the work you’ve done in that regard, it should be recognized more. Of course, you’ve done much more than that, but, what you’ve done in this area is irreplaceable. On my daily visit to your blog I usually expect a plethora of past examples of extreme weather. They are always a welcomed site and bring a smile to my face. I don’t often comment on them, because there isn’t much to say. But, they’re great to have handy as examples and references.

  7. gregole says:


    Great job! Perhaps MSM is finally getting it.

  8. ralphcramdo says:

    OMG! I can hear the feathers ruffling now! Great work Steven!

  9. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe someday they will notice larges parts of the US are not warming.

  10. MikeTheDenier says:

    Wow. The libtards will scream about Faux News and how all you publish is nothing more than a big oil lie and the stories and news articles are all fakes.

  11. Dave G says:

    Fantastic!! Go get em

  12. jimash1 says:

    IS it possible to recreate what you had before ?

  13. jimash1 says:

    I mean super cool to get quoted like that on Fox.
    But assuming it drives a few people here ( or there for that matter )
    it’s kind of not the same without the barrage of clippings staring you in the face

  14. AndyW says:

    Fox news really are poor reporters aren’t they

    “has spent thousands of hours studying bad weather events around the world”

    No, spent thousands of hours digging up old newspaper clippings, and we all know newspapers are not the most scientific of journals.



  15. Michael D Smith says:

    Great stuff… Now let’s get you on the airwaves! It would be a blast to have you do a 2 hour slide show, just as a warm up to a weekly science series. First guest: Bill Nye. (gulp). Next!

  16. geologyjim says:

    Congrats, Steve!
    Pretty good for an 81-year old dead guy.
    Of course, that would mean you remembered all those extreme past events first-hand.

    Karma is a bitch when she turns on the unTruthful. Ain’t that Inconvenient?

  17. Traitor In Chief says:

    Bill Nye….Pseudo Scientific twit. And his tie is stupid too.

    Good work Steve. The sheer volume of records you’ve found is a powerful argument. Unlike a new paper, it isn’t subject to debate, particularly with that kind of volume.

    Thanks for all your work. You have performed a valuable service to humanity, and Freedom.

  18. ntesdorf says:

    Great work Steve, congratulations! About time your work in the field was given recognition. Every day I visit your site to give me the strength to face the Warmist idiots in the world outside. Old newspapers are a very reliable source of history unlike the BOM, pre-programmed computers and Warmist theory.

  19. miked1947 says:

    It is great that Steven is being recognized. I think we should also give thanks to the other contributors such as Ivan, that have brought so many historical records to the site!
    I appreciate the “In your Face” approach this site uses! It draws out some of the clowns so they can show stuff.
    Speaking of clowns, Where is TonyD?

  20. philjourdan says:

    Congratulations! It is nice to see some people are still devoted to reporting news. If only more journalists were competent.

  21. Baa Humbug says:

    Well deserved, I couldn’t be happier.

  22. Steve Keohane says:

    Congratulations, Steve! Well deserved.

  23. lanceap says:

    well done Steve!

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