Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

Obama and Julia promised to heal the planet, and they did.

Temperatures have declined. Arctic sea ice has recovered, it has been the quietest four year period for hurricanes, and until the experts corrupted the data this month, sea level was going down.

Not to mention the extreme(ly nice) weather in March.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due

  1. Robert Austin says:

    Yes, it seems like a dream that more than a month ago I was playing golf in shorts and tee shirt but now it is only +7C out. Such is weather in the temperate zone.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    Bizzare pic of the lovebirds. What’s with them? Has, f for flatulent, fflotus Michelle got wind of this pic? Or maybe Michelle doesn’t give a flying leap, as while her husband plays the field in Australia or wherenot, she’s off to spain and etc on her million dollar, lifestyles of the rich and famous vacations.

    • dmmcmah says:

      I’m surprised Drudge hasn’t posted that pic, or maybe I missed it.

      • Eric Simpson says:

        I wish Drudge would find a reason to post the key video excerpt from The Great Warming Swindle. This ~3 minutes video shoots down the foundational CO2 arguments as presented by the ipcc, and makes algor look like a deception fiend. Everyone should see it. But, I’ve been trying like ehll to peddle it, yet I, and who knows if anyone else is trying, have only got it up from 6200 views in December to 7732 views today. Not good enough, we need a million views or more:

        Bizarre thing is I saw “bizzare” red-underlined in my last post, and I was thinking that’s an easy word and I’m not that dumb, but is it 2 Zs or 2 Rs, or 2 of both, 1 of both (no!), and then google checked it, and so I had it right, but somehow forget to correct here. Bizarre.

  3. kbray in california says:

    A misspelling there… they want to HEEL the planet…

    As in a swift kick from the foot…
    and walking all over us…
    THAT kind of heel.

  4. Laurence Crossen says:

    I guess they’ll be claiming divine right to rule next…

  5. tckev says:

    Surely you meant:
    Giving Carbon C_ap Credit Where Carbon C_ap Credit Is Due.
    r r as required.

  6. Laurence Crossen says:

    As Dr. Roberts explains, the history of the U.S. has been one progressively departing from the Blackstonian legal tradition emphasizing protection from the government, towards the Benthamite tradition of more power of the government over the individual.

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