Greenland Meltdown Update

Temperatures on the Greenland Ice Sheet only need to warm up 77 degrees Fahrenheit to  start melting.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Greenland Meltdown Update

  1. kbray in california says:

    77 degrees Fahrenheit, vast flat white expanse, all terrain vehicles, smoke from a barbecue…
    sounds like being at the beach in Florida… except…. for all the fricking ice.!!

    Invest early and buy your beachfront lot now before they’re all sold out…

    • miked1947 says:

      It needs 77 degrees to reach above freezing.

      • kbray in california says:

        I know. But when I hear 77 degrees, I think of the beach.

        • miked1947 says:

          Having been on beautiful white sand beaches and the black sand beach in Hawaii, I agree with the 70 to 85 range of temperatures being related to enjoyable outdoor activities, Not freezing your A$$ off.

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