Hansen : Sea Level To Rise One Metre Every Twenty Years

NASA Climatologist Predicts Disastrous Sea Level Rise

In an interview on Australian ABC Television program, The 7.30 Report, James Hansen, a prominent NASA climatologist, predicted the liklihood that the earth will pass a tipping point resulting in Sea Level Rise of up to a metre every 20 years. The trigger for this is an extra degree of global warming resulting in the runaway melting of the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice sheets.

NASA Climatologist Predicts Disastrous Sea Level Rise

Would you buy a used car from this nutcase expert?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hansen : Sea Level To Rise One Metre Every Twenty Years

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    The article is from 5 years ago, and states: “Hansen also called for a moratorium on building new coal fired power stations until the technology was available to sequester carbon dioxide emissions underground in 5 to 10 years, and the necessity to plan for the demolition of existing coal fired power plants.” This is exactly what happened – the EPA killed coal. This wouldn’t be so much of an issue if they also didn’t oppose fracking.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Preliminary List of Obama’s blows to energy
      >> ending construction of new coal power plants
      >> shutting down existing coal plants
      >> not permitting oil drilling wherever he can stop it
      >> no to the keystone pipeline
      >> no to oil shale and a ‘crucifixion’ campaign against fracking
      >> advocacy of cap & trade which would have decimated energy production
      ? add any ideas for this developing list ?

  2. Marian says:

    “John B., M.D. says:
    April 29, 2012 at 3:34 am
    The article is from 5 years ago, and states:”

    Just proves then what a complete BS artist James Hansen is then. So my maths isn’t exactly the best, but 1M = 3.3Ft. So if that article is from 5yrs ago and he claims 1M sea level rise per 20yrs.

    Then shouldn’t we be starting to see the affects of that sea level rise, by approx 7 inches of sea level increase by now.? I can’t see any difference in the tide mark when I’ve gone to the beach over these recent 5yrs. 🙂

    • miked1947 says:

      You are thinking the sea level will rise gradually. Just you wait, sometime in the next 15 years the sea level will dramatically raise between 1 and 2 meters so it will not have much to rise during the following 20 years. You have to think really long term and it will follow the stair step pattern. Every so often the sea level will just rise a umber of feet, as if by magic to conform to Big Jim’s prophecies. 😉

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