Has Discovery Channel Become Interested In Science?

Last Sunday (Earth Day, no less), the Discovery Channel aired the final episode of its Frozen Planet series. Titled “On Thin Ice,” the episode captures the staggering changes in our polar regions being wrought by global warming — shrinking glaciers, rising seas, and disappearing habitats. But there was one thing missing: in 45 minutes, not a word was uttered about why all that Arctic ice is melting. In an impressive feat of journalistic malpractice, Discovery completely avoided the fact that the burning of fossil fuels causes climate change, and thanks to a New York Times article, now we know why. Discovery has admitted to censoring itself because it wanted to avoid criticism from climate change deniers.

Daniel Souweine: The Discovery Channel’s Shameful Self-Censorship

Arctic sea ice area is almost one standard deviation above normal.

ssmi1_ice_area.png (1667×1250)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Has Discovery Channel Become Interested In Science?

  1. miked1947 says:

    Just presenting the program promoting the fantasy of declining sea ice or even glacial ice shows their lack of scientific understanding. If they did not include the known facts that variations in ice extent is common regionally and has been experienced since we started experiencing weather at the beginning of human time on this planet.

  2. Sparks says:

    Oh, now that’s a worrying trend… the discovery channel thing, it’s like the history channel documentaries on ancient aliens but less interesting.

  3. jimash1 says:

    They left off the ten minutes of hype at the ned that they have put in every show for the last 5 years ?
    That’s great.

  4. jimash1 says:

    end… the ten minutes of hype at the end, with the head shots of Dr. Stroeve.

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