More Information

What happened at real-science has nothing to do with climate or climate alarmism. It was a violation by a trusted person with access to site admin privileges.

Some people have been experiencing IP block for the last week. That is a different issue – some scumbag convinced McAfee that real-science was evil.

I will reveal more information soon, but am trying to figure out how to do this with minimum damage to someone I should have been able to trust.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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45 Responses to More Information

  1. DirkH says:

    He’s sending e-mails to every commenter. That quickly takes on phishing dimensions…

  2. March says:

    If your back in, you might want to remove editor’s privaleges.

  3. suyts says:

    Steve, I’ve been away ….. drinking all day. I come back to find your demise, which would be serious except the idiot didn’t have any of the facts right.

    I’m glad you’re fine. I’m sorry you were betrayed. Integrity is a thing which becomes rarer and rarer these days. I’m sorry for your loss of a friend. I know it hurts.

    Anything I can do, just ask.

  4. kbray in california says:

    That’s not funny, that’s sick.

  5. AndyG55 says:


    maybe a post at WUWT would be helpful.

  6. papiertigre says:

    I was concerned for your health about a half a minute, when I thought you were dead.

    On the bright side, how many people get to die and live to tell the tale?

    And I didn’t even spill the coffee! So it’s been a really good day when you think about it.

    • And my kid scored the winning goal this afternoon!

      • David Ball says:

        More important than ANYTHING else. The munchkins.

      • AndyG55 says:

        81 year old.. with a kid playing soccer..

        darn, not bad for an 81 year old.

        Keep it up ! 😉

      • Blade says:

        Steve …

        With all that is happening, I for one must agree with Steve Mosher (finally!). Be on your guard now. Take steps. Unless this is a family member you should drag him through hell and make him pay.

        Also, I suggest you clamp a lid on any personal info that under scrutiny could yield identifying details – like the comment you just made that I am replying to. In fact I would delete that one. It is too specific.

        IMPORTANT QUESTION: does the blogjacker have access to all email addresses used by commenters from all previous posts – or – just the posts that were submitted since he took over the website? Please reply.

        Commenters here should be prepared to burn any email addresses that were compromised. It is a very serious matter. All that a crazy eco-Zealot has to do is post on some random blog, writing death threats to the p-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t using these stolen email addresses to cause a whole lotta hurt to their mortal enemies.

    • suyts says:

      And I didn’t spill any beer!!!

  7. Andy says:

    Tried to post on Real Science warning of the hack.
    My comment was moderated out straight away

  8. B.C. says:

    Steve, I smelled a rat as soon as I saw the “news”. I immediately started searching high and low for any credible news of your demise and I was very relieved to find out that it was merely an underhanded attempt at backstabbing. Thanks for all you’ve done to debunk the Church of the Holy Goreacle over the years and here’s to your good health for decades (of cooler weather) to come. 🙂

  9. Earle Williams says:

    You might want to redirect the DNS to point to this blog until you can regain control of real-science.

  10. mike says:

    I am looking forward to the eventual unravelling of this tall tale too. Good luck clearing it up, Steve.

  11. tckev says:

    Glad to hear you’re still here!

  12. miked1947 says:

    Now that you are back om word press I will have a new name that word press gave me.
    I was blocked from posting at the other site. whoever has control knew who I am.
    Such is life and I will be haunting this site. 😉
    Me and my Flying Pig!!!!

  13. Hey Steven,

    for a distraction………….

    I know how much you think of “Friday”. ;^) from how many times you posted on it. And who could have though a song would come along that’s worse….. and go viral big time. But here it is, “Hot Problems” (singing on key not required)

  14. John B., M.D. says:

    The other website was behaving oddly today. Among other things, after reading each post, the link didn’t switch from blue to purple.
    The timing (midnight), age (81), and location (Dallas suburb), and style of the obit post seemed a bit suspicious to me.
    Should I be concerned about getting any computer viruses from the other website?

  15. Aaron Beard says:

    I tried to post this on the old site but it is on hold along with everyone else. USAToday kisses up on Mann and they also take a shot at Mr Watts. I am not smart enough to post something intelligent but I thought those on this site could. Here is the column.

  16. gregole says:


    I’m glad you aren’t dead. What a pain in the a$$ and sorry to hear about it…

  17. gregole says:


    Sorry to hear about your problems here – and glad to hear you are back among the living!

  18. Mike Mangan says:

    If you’re dead can I have your bike?

  19. lorne50 says:

    Well tried to leave a comment but didn’t get through but got a e-mail back to tell me abut your demise.

  20. Latitude says:

    I think it was a joke……don’t be too hard on who did it was very obvious….you’re not 81, not in Dallas, and your wife’s not an activist

  21. William Teach says:

    I thought it was weird, because I thought you were in your lower 60’s, Steve.

    Why not check your htaccess file using FTP, I bet there is something in there that is blocking you. If you want to email me, I’m willing to help out any time after 6pm EST Sunday, gotta work till 6.

  22. David Ball says:

    Still awaiting moderation. Don’t tell me you hate me too.

  23. Whatever says:

    Steve’s mind went a long time ago — his body is just now catching up.

  24. Me says:

    I can imagine Steven has everything backed up, or I hope so! 😆

  25. Dave G says:

    Glad your back Steve!

  26. Bone idle says:

    Still being directed to wrong site as of the time on this post.

  27. David Ball says:

    Can you explain the problem with my posts?

  28. David Ball says:

    Looks to me like you can use all the traffic you can get. An explanation is in order, please and thank you.

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