
I am just back from a soccer game, and someone named Richard Garwin has posted over on real science dot com that he is the “new owner” of the blog. I don’t know anything about it, have no association with it, and don’t have any additional information at this time.

My intention is to post here from now on. I am the only person with admin permissions on this blog and intend to keep it that way.

Apparently Richard Garwin is the name of a well respected physicist. This appears to be the umpteenth attempt at identity theft which has gone on over there this week.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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63 Responses to update

  1. Rick K says:

    We’re with ya, Steve!

  2. Mike Mangan says:

    I got Tom Nelson to take the old site off his blogroll. I’m doubting “Richard Garwin” is the nuclear physicist that pops up with a Google search. You say you know the dickhead that’s doing this?

    • I didn’t realize that Richard Garwin was a real person. Looks like the perpetrator is intent on self-destruction, and will probably succeed.

      • Me says:

        Good, I hope you find them, because I think there’s more than one involved here. I see who ever it was or they were, was pretending to be all lot of your supporters here with Me included in there. And that’s why I haven’t been posting here lately until now. Let us know when this is cleared up, because it’s obvious you are getting to them as well as the ones he or they were pretending to be. You and I know it is most likely someone that posted here before and sooner or later they will be the new Gleicky one, unless they are just another brain dead eco-green wheenie zealot zombies. 😆

  3. greg copeland says:

    All of us that are regulars to your blog are with you. HANG IN THERE.

  4. foxgoose says:

    Is he really a Board Member of the Union of Concerned Scientists?
    Obviously they’re a lot more “concerned” than we thought.
    Maybe they’ll have to retire him and promote Anthony Watt’s pooch.

  5. gwlear100consumer says:

    Get the police involved

  6. kbray in california says:

    We could flash mob his place…
    give us the address…

  7. B.C. says:

    Steven, I know a few people who know more than a few people who know a bit about computer security. I’d be more than happy to have them get in touch with you to try and resolve this usurpation, should you wish to do so. Just say the word…

  8. ntesdorf says:

    This is all unbelievable. We are sticking closely to you Steve. Dirty tricks are all that the Warmists really know.
    If he is a Board Member of the Union of Concerned Scientists is is a hilarious farce as well as being very concerning!
    Obviously you were really getting to them!

  9. Latitude says:

    good grief….what a nightmare

  10. gregole says:


    Sorry you have this to deal with – you sure have to put up with a lot of flack for simply exercising your freedom of speech. This is a great blog and I appreciate all you do to keep it going.

  11. jimash1 says:

    “good grief….what a nightmare”‘

    My sentiments too.
    At this point, hacker-san would seem to have used up all the good will
    free passes and sympathy for the deranged.
    I don’t understand the reticence to retaliate.

    • My battle is with bad science. This is the work of an individual who needs professional help. I’m not the person to do that and hopefully they will seek that help before they find themself in serious legal trouble.

      • jimash1 says:

        They do not usually do that.
        This looks like a slow flame-out, after a Major flounce.
        But as a loyal follower, I’ll not slip the leash.

  12. Alan says:

    Thankfully, the “other guy” posted a link back to here, so I was able to find you again. My bookmarks have been updated.

  13. Wyguy says:

    OMG, it is great to have found your new home. Was going ga-ga wondering what was up.

  14. etudiant says:

    While it is good that the regulars found this site, it remains a fact that someone has stolen your ‘Real Science’ site.
    You’ve been robbed of the ranking that you’ve accumulated by diligent effort over years, while some parasite is gradually destroying your creation, which he stole. Ianal, but surely intellectual property law is able to deal with this kind of blatant theft. I recognize that the thief is someone whom you know and are reluctant to deal with, but theft must be dealt with, else it spreads.

  15. Dave G says:

    Hang in there Steve

  16. anon says:

    Steven, I am curious what wordpress can do for you in terms of getting your blog back.

    Have you asked them to either:

    a) change the password and give it back to you
    b) take the blog down?

  17. Rogelio says:

    I still think that that site was stolen because it is and was really doing major damage to the AGW. I cannot possibly contemplate any other reason

    • This site already has more traffic than the other one. It is much more reliable and the server is much faster. I can quickly read the comments on my phone here, but it was painfully slow or impossible on the other one.

      BTW – this site was the #2 wordpress site at the end of August (320,000 page views in one day) before I made the switch to real science dot com.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Awesome, then, Steven. I get the feeling this site is going to go big, and bigger. It would be nice to have ad revenue, but the big $ for you could be something like the old standby, a book. Your followers would be ready to buy, and additional publicity could propel it higher. Recompense for your much appreciated labors.

  18. Andy DC says:

    Would be very pleased if you cooked this guy’s goose and sent him to prison, but am 100% behind whatever you choose to do.

  19. tckev says:

    Steve you may already know but here is part of Whois record

    Name Server___________IP___________Location

    [email protected]
    Serial Number___2012042216

    mail.real-science.com____CNAME A______173.245.60.41 () A______173.245.60.115 () 10000 2400 604800 3600 TXT___v=spf1 ip4: a mx ~all

    Hope this helps.

  20. slimething says:

    There is a wealth of information on the other site that I regularly do searches for. Are you just going to give it up?

  21. Michael D Smith says:

    Forgive me, but I just don’t see why this is so difficult… Why can’t the password be reset and you given the keys back? Sounds simple. At least that way you can simply make it redirect here. Or could be hosted somewhere else.

  22. Peter says:

    I am very surprised you’re just letting this happen; as others have said, this is a criminal matter, can’t you contact the blog admin and get passwords changed etc? There’s also offers of help if you’re unsure how to get the blog back. Don’t let some chap sully your blog/site/name – contact the blog admin.

  23. lanceap says:

    Hang in there dude…
    did a good long bike ride and found a new route with some wicked hills….beat me up pretty good…but figure its a good ride when you get back and your tuckered out!!

  24. margaret berger says:

    What the heck, sent them a note for all of that.

  25. tckev says:

    You’ve tried a “who is” on the real science site I assume. It’s interesting reading.
    It says the site is hosted thro’ ” roxy. ns. cloudflare. com” and “ian .ns. cloudflare. com”

  26. gallopingcamel says:

    You must be hitting a nerve to get hacked like that. Power to Goddard!

  27. Sunsettommy says:

    Why can’t you just kick him off through your cPANEL account? There you can take away his administrative status and then delete his account.

  28. kbray in california says:


    Did you get the other site back ?
    It was offline yesterday for quite some time.

  29. Michael D Smith says:

    I think I would start with where you send the check… They will listen.

  30. Shooter says:

    Oh, thank goodness! I thought you went into the deep end into conspiracy mode!

  31. Sleepalot says:

    “Apparently Richard Garwin is the name of a well respected physicist.”

    Then, by doing nothing, you are complicit in any libel or other offence against Mr Garwin.

    • Sleepalot says:

      …or anyone else.

    • I don’t have any more control over that website than you do.

      • Sunsettommy says:

        Then you do not own the domain or the server account behind it or you would have long ago stopped him cold.

        Twice now I bring up the cPANEL suggestion with you and total avoidance on your part to answer it.

        If YOU have the cPANEL account you can stop him easily.You can also just call the server host and ask them to shut Richard down IF that site is also on your account.If not then you are B.Sing us.

        Sorry for being skeptical because you are hazy on some essential details and that is the reason for this comment.

      • Sleepalot says:

        Yes, you do. You gave consent for that other person to use that website. Given that that other person won’t surrender the site to you, the only way to withdraw consent is to report it stolen. Until you do, you are a willing participant in whatever is done with that site.

    • Sunsettommy says:

      After allegedly hacking Steve’s blog?

  32. Sunsettommy says:

    Alan Cheetham needs to update the “hacked” site url with your new one.

  33. miked1947 says:

    You are doing what you feel needs to be done. That is why I follow your site.

  34. Ben says:

    It appears likely that you know the person that has control of the site. If so, then that person may also know you in real life. It seems very strange that you won’t/can’t get your original site back.

    1. Did this person threatened to reveal your identity?
    2. Is this person a a relative, someone you genuinely care for? If so, I can see you not wanting to cause stress to your extended family.

  35. I think we should remember that Mr. Goddard’s decisions about how to respond or not respond may be based on a perspective which we do not have full access to. It is outrageous that he has to deal with this but how he does deal with it is his call. I think we all wish him continued success and will continue to support him.

  36. Miles says:

    Thanks for explaining, Steven. Please stick with this blog. It is much faster – the old one was painfully slow to load. So I will read much more of your stuff now.

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