The Dangers Of Not Profiling

Israel has the safest air travel in the world, because they use their brains.

In the US, we rely on stupidity and a recognition that Obama is doing more damage to the US than any terrorist could possibly do. Why would a terrorist want to hurt his re-election chances?

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — The grandmother of a 4-year-old girl who became hysterical during a security screening at a Kansas airport said Wednesday that the child was forced to undergo a pat-down after hugging her, with security agents yelling and calling the crying girl an uncooperative suspect.

The incident has been garnering increasing media and online attention since the child’s mother, Michelle Brademeyer of Montana, detailed the ordeal in a public Facebook post last week. The Transportation Security Administration is defending its agents, despite new procedures aimed at reducing pat-downs of children.

The child’s grandmother, Lori Croft, told The Associated Press that Brademeyer and her daughter, Isabella, initially passed through security at the Wichita airport without incident. The girl then ran over to briefly hug Croft, who was awaiting a pat-down after tripping the alarm, and that’s when TSA agents insisted the girl undergo a physical pat-down.

Isabella had just learned about “stranger danger” at school, her grandmother said, adding that the girl was afraid and unsure about what was going on.

“She started to cry, saying ‘No I don’t want to,’ and when we tried talking to her she ran,” Croft said. “They yelled, ‘We are going to shut down the airport if you don’t grab her.'”

TSA defends pat-down of 4-year-old at Kan. airport – Yahoo! News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Dangers Of Not Profiling

  1. Andy DC says:

    Little monster! Behind those cute braids are the eyes of a jihadist assassin!

  2. Robertvdl says:

    Nazi America

  3. suyts says:

    Why must our government seek out the most brain-dead individuals for employees? Does our government have some hiring quota for imbeciles?

  4. gregole says:

    The Transportation Security Administration is defending its agents, despite new procedures aimed at reducing pat-downs of children.

    New procedures. That’s the ticket. Our government robots at work being mindless armed morons. All authority. No sense. No heart. No mind.

  5. DirkH says:

    Free fondling for everyone. Now that’s service.

  6. papiertigre says:

    If I were grandma I would swear out an arrest warrant for the “child molester” at the airport.

    Frivolous. Sure. But it doesn’t matter if it never sees the inside of a court. It’s at least as true as the reporting on MSNBC, which makes it good as gospel, right? The word will spread among TSA perverts at Jet speed. We’ll set up websites with mugshots of airport pedophiles. Their neighbors will receive email alerts about TSA sex offenders.

    reap the whirlwind an stuff.

  7. tckev says:

    I’ve always liked the idea of an airline called something like “Flying Pigs”.
    All seats are pigskin, all food is pork and bacon or cooked in pork lard. All surfaces are polished with chemically altered pig lard based polish.
    No terrorist dare go near as going to heaven when dying in such unclean surroundings is impossible.

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